
Can’t have vacation this year

I was the first of all my family to go to University but on my 3rd year i got sick the last two semester after the limit date for course abandon so i was obligated to pay the money for the courses and i stopped coming to the school both times. I know it's stupid but i was too shy and afraid to go to the doctor so i just continued to be sick, the got depressed and stayed in my room a lot. Since i got sick two times after the limit date i decided to take a year off school and go work a bit. Like a lot of ppl since i dropped out i continued to work. I'm a 26F and i work in a daycare run by the gov, i am a janitor… i'm paid less than janitors in the public schools or public hospitals which…

I was the first of all my family to go to University but on my 3rd year i got sick the last two semester after the limit date for course abandon so i was obligated to pay the money for the courses and i stopped coming to the school both times. I know it's stupid but i was too shy and afraid to go to the doctor so i just continued to be sick, the got depressed and stayed in my room a lot.

Since i got sick two times after the limit date i decided to take a year off school and go work a bit. Like a lot of ppl since i dropped out i continued to work.

I'm a 26F and i work in a daycare run by the gov, i am a janitor… i'm paid less than janitors in the public schools or public hospitals which are run by the gov too. I stayed because i have pretty decent bosses understanding and empathic, the coworkers are very mean, hypocrites, always talking in your back between them and telling on you even if you did nothing wrong, like they'll get down and look if it seems like you've missed spots on the floor or that you didnt scrubbed enough with the mopp to their liking and tell the boss, though i do my job all the time they insinuate if i did the floors or not. The floors are sometime not shiny with wax because when it wears off the boss don't pay to get it re waxed, so even if i scrubb a lot there is traces like ingrained in the floor and won't come off. I like it because it's in the night and i don't see anyone for extended period, just do my invisble work and go home and i have all my days to do as i want and spend time with my boyfriend who do the same work. Where we live to there is been a flooded floor and its likely full of mold now and the owner of the building didnt care and didnt do a floor remplacement, we always caugh and spit, the air don't seem good and always humid even though we have a deshumidificator. Anyways pretty poor and living in poor conditions. Can't have somewhere else to live cause there is a housing crisis. The only thing that keep my sane is i do whatever i want when i work (listen to music, podcast, audible books or university leveled free courses).

Anyway this year i can't have vacation, i'm maybe the only one that didn't have it yet this summer and i can have 3 weeks of paid vacation, howevere there is a penury of workers and i can't get replaced for even 2 days a week (tried Tursday friday/ monday tuesday). Plus when they replace me the pay is so low nobody want to do it… i'm kinda tired. I hate it cause i'm stucked in that and before i was toward a good future if i'd finished uni, or maybe not cause i don't know if i would've been paid a lot… which i would just write books and not work.

Another highlight of this year is that i got sterilized (permanant contraception – bisalp or bilateral salpingectomy which is the removal of totality of both fallopian tubes) since i'm too much aware and selfaware to bring an innocent child into this world where he or she will have to do the same to just afford living and selling their souls kind of…

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