
Can’t stress how important it is to lie on your resume.

I keep seeing tiktoks of people with 10 years of experience and a college degree saying they can’t get a job that pays more than $18 an hour (which, sometimes I find hard to believe – a DECADE of experience in one field?) nonetheless, am I the only one who spruces up their resume to the point where it’s essentially all a white lie? I don’t lie about where I got my college degree, or what my degree is in. But when I changed my “project coordinator” job title to “project manager” on my resume – the salary increase was as pretty damn good. My only issue is that I might be “taking” (lol) this job from somebody who maybe really was a project manager as opposed to coordinator. But then I also think….I mean if they were smart enough, they could always change THEIR resume to “senior project manager”…

I keep seeing tiktoks of people with 10 years of experience and a college degree saying they can’t get a job that pays more than $18 an hour (which, sometimes I find hard to believe – a DECADE of experience in one field?) nonetheless, am I the only one who spruces up their resume to the point where it’s essentially all a white lie?

I don’t lie about where I got my college degree, or what my degree is in. But when I changed my “project coordinator” job title to “project manager” on my resume – the salary increase was as pretty damn good.

My only issue is that I might be “taking” (lol) this job from somebody who maybe really was a project manager as opposed to coordinator. But then I also think….I mean if they were smart enough, they could always change THEIR resume to “senior project manager” and move along.

Does anyone else do these kinds of tweaks on their resume, or am I truly that much of a POS? Lol.

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