
Can’t take this anymore

I've never been one to complain or make a scene. But right now, I'm at my fucking wit's end and I need to vent. Why is it so goddamn difficult to find a job right now??? I've been busting my ass off for the past 2 months, sending out over a hundred applications a week. And what do I get in return? Two phone interviews, one in-person interview (made it to final stage) and two fucking scam interviews (one had me drive out to a legitimate business they impersonated). I don't fucking understand! I have years of experience under my belt, I've got an associate degree, I've received awards, I've won multiple awards and recognitions and my workplaces, I've received many recommendation letters from my managers and coworkers. Yet, it seems like none of that shit matters at all. I've meticulously crafted my resume, going as far as using AI…

I've never been one to complain or make a scene. But right now, I'm at my fucking wit's end and I need to vent. Why is it so goddamn difficult to find a job right now???

I've been busting my ass off for the past 2 months, sending out over a hundred applications a week. And what do I get in return? Two phone interviews, one in-person interview (made it to final stage) and two fucking scam interviews (one had me drive out to a legitimate business they impersonated).

I don't fucking understand! I have years of experience under my belt, I've got an associate degree, I've received awards, I've won multiple awards and recognitions and my workplaces, I've received many recommendation letters from my managers and coworkers. Yet, it seems like none of that shit matters at all.

I've meticulously crafted my resume, going as far as using AI like chatgpt to optimize it. I've had my resume reviewed by family, friends, coworkers, and even paid somebody to look over it. I've compared it to countless examples online and even tried making it from scratch using that famous Reddit resume template.

I've literally done everything in my power to make myself appealing to potential employers. But I can't even get an interview for a job that pays less than $40k. What the actual fuck?

I'm an IT professional with 4-5 years of experience. I should be appealing to entry level jobs, but instead, I'm sitting at home, alone and miserable, watching my savings dwindle. I was an idiot and made a major purchase a month before being laid off, leaving me with JUST $5k in savings, which will quickly evaporate with rent and gas costs.

I'm terrified about my financial future. I'm worried about how I'll keep a roof over my head, food on the table. How long can I keep this up?

This job market is a fucking nightmare. It's like a cruel joke, a game of musical chairs where there are never enough seats. I just want a fucking work and not sit at home staring at a computer screen all day. Is that too much to ask? One day, I'll give into the void.

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