
Can’t use sick leave for Mondays or Fridays?!?

So I work at a school district. Today I was told I was flagged for having a “pattern” of repeatedly calling off on Mondays or Fridays. Apparently it’s in our contract that we’re not supposed to “repeatedly call in Mondays or Fridays”. My sick time and personal necessity days haven’t been just on M/F there’s been other days too but I guess it’s been “too much” on M/F. Am I crazy or is this beyond idiotic? Is this just another American-work-work-work type rule that makes no fuckin sense but people have gotten used to it? Like if I feel I’m getting sick I will call in on Friday so I can have Saturday and Sunday as a buffer to recover so I’m back on Monday. But apparently they’d rather I just call out middle of the week for a few days?? Am I crazy or does this not make any…

So I work at a school district. Today I was told I was flagged for having a “pattern” of repeatedly calling off on Mondays or Fridays. Apparently it’s in our contract that we’re not supposed to “repeatedly call in Mondays or Fridays”. My sick time and personal necessity days haven’t been just on M/F there’s been other days too but I guess it’s been “too much” on M/F.

Am I crazy or is this beyond idiotic? Is this just another American-work-work-work type rule that makes no fuckin sense but people have gotten used to it? Like if I feel I’m getting sick I will call in on Friday so I can have Saturday and Sunday as a buffer to recover so I’m back on Monday. But apparently they’d rather I just call out middle of the week for a few days?? Am I crazy or does this not make any sense?

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