
Capitalism has become a joke and I’m surprised people are still actively supporting it.

I'm an American and I understand that capitalism pretty much defines our country. However with insane inflation negating any pay increases we've received, incredibly poor work conditions and the constant loosening of workers rights, home ownership becoming unattainable for our emerging generations, climate change that no one wants to address because it isn't profitable, and the constant stream of advertising everywhere you look for shit no one actually needs (or even worse, for something you already bought that's designed to fail) we're still actively trying to make our capitalist overlords as much money as possible (ie happy) with the hopes that they grace us with a couple leftover crumbs. Let's just face it, Capitalism favors the wealthy. It's obscene that people like Elon Musk even exist…let alone how billionaires seem to be almost worshipped by some. We're not technically in a feudal state, but it definitely feels a lot like…

I'm an American and I understand that capitalism pretty much defines our country. However with insane inflation negating any pay increases we've received, incredibly poor work conditions and the constant loosening of workers rights, home ownership becoming unattainable for our emerging generations, climate change that no one wants to address because it isn't profitable, and the constant stream of advertising everywhere you look for shit no one actually needs (or even worse, for something you already bought that's designed to fail) we're still actively trying to make our capitalist overlords as much money as possible (ie happy) with the hopes that they grace us with a couple leftover crumbs. Let's just face it, Capitalism favors the wealthy.

It's obscene that people like Elon Musk even exist…let alone how billionaires seem to be almost worshipped by some. We're not technically in a feudal state, but it definitely feels a lot like we are. These ruling wealthy have a louder voice, because they're willing and able to pay for political influence…which is enraging. They've defined their own ruling class and now the remaining 99.9% of the country is stuck with it. I always love the argument that people like Elon Musk worked just that much harder than everyone else…let me tell you, there's no way someone worked billions of times harder than you. That's bullshit. Go ahead and work harder, youll be doing exactly what they want and make them richer.

I'm not a commie, but let me ask you, if you're paying attention, how can this bullshit not push you in that direction? Why do people think that voting will ever change anything when it's just a different person thrust into the path of this machine, while becoming wealthy themselves by getting paid to vote for what the wealthy want you to vote for? Political power is always going be prone to corruption, and people are only so strong against it.

Just to make sure this is going to be unpopular, I'm gonna call 50% of you (ie half of the American population) idiots. This statement isn't necessary a political statement, but the schools in this country tend to be pretty shitty. So there's a good chance you're lacking a decent education. That's not necessarily you're fault, but the Republicans are actively trying to make public education worse or even non-existent…sprinkling in pseudo intellectual bullshit from Ben Shapiro and Prager U so that they can keep getting away with it. They're spreading lies and hate to keep the world divided, so that the revolution will never be realized and they will remain in the ruling class. Don't buy what they're selling, it's hurting everyone. There are only two classes in this country, the insanely wealthy and everyone else. Once you realize this, you know that we're ready for a revolution.

When you actively look at Democrats v Republicans, there is a lot of overlap, but ask yourself, if you can only have one, Democracy or Capitalism, which would it be? Almost right down party lines Democrats gravitate toward Democracy and Republicans gravitate to Capitalism. Favoring a Capitalist ruling class over your own rights and protections…lets just say that's pretty messed up.

After writing this, I'm wondering how much (if any) engagement I'll recieve. Anyways, it's a beautiful day. Go outside and play. Love each other. Inspire those around you and start your own revolution. Help make the world a better place.

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