
Capitalism in inherently abelist, regardless of what the law or boomers say!

Bit of a rant here. To start off, I'll point out that I was born with nerve damage I one ear so my hearing is permanently weaker on that side. Not a massive issue, I may ask people to repeat themselves at times, but I can manage conversations just fine. When I fist started looking for work after college in 2014 I'd fill out hundreds of applications. In the UK it's common for them to include questions about disabilities as is required by law for the sake of “diversity and inclusiveness”. Well my little naive self would honestly tick “yes” and write “hearing loss”. I never got an interview. After a while I eventually stopped filling in that box and just ticked “no”, while keeping everything else and my CV (resume) the same. I ended up getting 3 interviews in one day. I was baffled at the blatant ableism that's…

Bit of a rant here. To start off, I'll point out that I was born with nerve damage I one ear so my hearing is permanently weaker on that side. Not a massive issue, I may ask people to repeat themselves at times, but I can manage conversations just fine.

When I fist started looking for work after college in 2014 I'd fill out hundreds of applications. In the UK it's common for them to include questions about disabilities as is required by law for the sake of “diversity and inclusiveness”.
Well my little naive self would honestly tick “yes” and write “hearing loss”.

I never got an interview.

After a while I eventually stopped filling in that box and just ticked “no”, while keeping everything else and my CV (resume) the same.

I ended up getting 3 interviews in one day. I was baffled at the blatant ableism that's still going on in this day and age without reprocussions.
“Inclusiveness” my arse. I learned that day to lie about my application as to tell the truth would only put a stain on you before they even see you.

These jobs were simple shop or office work, so it's not like it would be justifiable as a “safety risk” either. Employers either had an algorithm that blocked anyone who said yes or would read it and throw it away thinking “I don't want a disabled person working here”.

And I think this is by design. Employers in the UK don't need to be honest or even tell you why you didn't get the interview / job, even if they did they'd obviously lie. Capitalism allows bosses to be abusive.

The amount of bootlickers who try and defend this problem I've had are mostly of the older generations, whereas younger people are able to empathise with my issue more as they have likely had their own difficulties with finding work and are also feeling jaded with the whole thing.

I'm lucky that I can easily and convincingly hide my hearing issue in a 1 to 1 interview in an office. I can only imagine how hard it is for people with obvious disabilities they can't disguise.

What experiences have you people had with ableism and discrimination?

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