
Capitalism is about to kill me

I can't take it anymore. I did everything right. I graduated early, with no debt. Had a good paying job making more than my parents. I had no outside help. COVID then disabled me and left me bedridden permeantly. These are my Health bills, now, most of which I didn't have a choice on because my parents dragged me to the ER when I couldn't move or speak (still struggling with that some days, also the hospital did nothing): Radiology bill 125/mo Hospital bill (two years old now) 65/mo Endoscopy bill 165/mo Ambulance bill 50/mo Special Upright MRI bill 195/mo EEG/EMG bill 140/mo Spinal Tap bill 50-350/mo (oddly some months they are MUCH more linenet than other months…) Echocardiogram 75/mo Other alternative stuff I rely on 400-600/mo Supplements I rely on 150-200/mo Prescription Medicine ~125/mo Credit Card from other doctors visits and medicine ~150/mo That's quite a lot of money,…

I can't take it anymore. I did everything right. I graduated early, with no debt. Had a good paying job making more than my parents. I had no outside help. COVID then disabled me and left me bedridden permeantly.

These are my Health bills, now, most of which I didn't have a choice on because my parents dragged me to the ER when I couldn't move or speak (still struggling with that some days, also the hospital did nothing):

Radiology bill 125/mo
Hospital bill (two years old now) 65/mo
Endoscopy bill 165/mo
Ambulance bill 50/mo
Special Upright MRI bill 195/mo
EEG/EMG bill 140/mo
Spinal Tap bill 50-350/mo (oddly some months they are MUCH more linenet than other months…)
Echocardiogram 75/mo

Other alternative stuff I rely on 400-600/mo
Supplements I rely on 150-200/mo
Prescription Medicine ~125/mo

Credit Card from other doctors visits and medicine ~150/mo

That's quite a lot of money, nearly 1.5k/mo of med bills. I have debt collectors down my throat daily.

My disability was paying me 2.5k/mo, I live at home with my parents now after working hard to escape. Most of my money went to med bills, food, and helping pay for the mortgage.

Our mortgage is like 900/mo

Food is like 350/week or so because I need special food that I don't react to.

All this is without even adding in the fact my parents have 4k in debt on a credit card.

Then add in utilities, insurance, their car payments, everything else, you see how we barely survive every month. Well, it gets better.

My disability decided to cut me off because “you have normal gait function so should be able to walk”.

Now we can't afford the house unless we cut out insurance, sell one or two of our cars, cut off electricity, phone & internet!

And it's right in time for when we need heat, too. I'm just so fucking done. I wish COVID had killed me.

I have a lawyer, but it's going slow. And I can't afford to freeze to death and eat only one meal a day while I wait for them to decide if I'm actually disabled or not. Fuck the world. I never asked to be born into this dystopia. All my friends abandoned me after I became disabled, too. I have NO ONE to go to in my area that can support me. Once my parents who are old, die, I'm fucked. I don't have a significant other and never have. I just wish something would kill me as I'm clearly a burden to everyone else. The disability place wants me dead anyways, it makes me wonder if they want people to off themselves so they have to pay out less. I won't do that, but I do hope, one of these days, I pass painlessly in my sleep, so that I'm out of this dystopian hell hole.

My mother tells me I'm going to hell when I die, gaslights me, and says I'm sick because I don't follow the word of God. My father is drunk and just a spoiled baby and a MAGA guy.

It's a wonder the amount of trauma I've had hasn't killed me yet. Fuck the world, no one cares about me.

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