
Capitalism is an unsustainable trap.

I have no problem with the 40 hour work week, as long as everyone is able to live, save, have vacation and sick time. I look at what we have in the US, and can’t help but think of all the products being sold in all the stores as byproduct of slave labor. The clothing mostly made in Asia, the vehicles and produce in South and Central America. All the rare and precious metals/minerals in Africa. Everything is supported by slavery, even here in America, and that’s not including prison labor. Just the general minimum wage in itself is slavery. I make $80k/yr in a HCOL area and am able to float by, and still have difficult times. This is so F’d and it appears the only way to do well is to exploit labor, inheritance, do well academically, or just grind yourself into exhaustion. I’ve had ideas of starting…

I have no problem with the 40 hour work week, as long as everyone is able to live, save, have vacation and sick time. I look at what we have in the US, and can’t help but think of all the products being sold in all the stores as byproduct of slave labor.

The clothing mostly made in Asia, the vehicles and produce in South and Central America. All the rare and precious metals/minerals in Africa. Everything is supported by slavery, even here in America, and that’s not including prison labor. Just the general minimum wage in itself is slavery. I make $80k/yr in a HCOL area and am able to float by, and still have difficult times.

This is so F’d and it appears the only way to do well is to exploit labor, inheritance, do well academically, or just grind yourself into exhaustion.

I’ve had ideas of starting a clothing line, and the only way to do it successfully is through slave like labor.

The revolution needs to begin, and everyone should be discussing pay, or working to unionize and collectively bargain. The top needs to take a cut, and we need to hold our politicians to the fire for policies they create to insulate and propel corporations instead of the people. The lobbying needs to be abolished!

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