
Capitalism is not “self-reliance” or “freedom”.

The “entrepreneur life”, the “landlord life”, at least as they are usually presented, are NOT self-reliance and NOT freedom. How are you truly “reliant only on yourself” when you have a bunch of underlings SLAVING for you at wages insufficient to live on and you have an interest in those being as low as they can get while they still work? What you really have is not freedom, but the security of a position of privilege and power. It's “freedom” only in the sense of how a King is “free”. Ultimately, absolute self-reliance is mostly a myth. Everything we do is cooperation – the only question is whether it is as equals or as a master-slave, dominator-oppressed, ruler-ruled hierarchical dynamic. “Equals” here, by the way, also doesn't mean being equal in ability or talent or whatever (even money in your bank!) it means being equals in POWER. It's POWER that…

The “entrepreneur life”, the “landlord life”, at least as they are usually presented, are NOT self-reliance and NOT freedom. How are you truly “reliant only on yourself” when you have a bunch of underlings SLAVING for you at wages insufficient to live on and you have an interest in those being as low as they can get while they still work? What you really have is not freedom, but the security of a position of privilege and power. It's “freedom” only in the sense of how a King is “free”.

Ultimately, absolute self-reliance is mostly a myth. Everything we do is cooperation – the only question is whether it is as equals or as a master-slave, dominator-oppressed, ruler-ruled hierarchical dynamic. “Equals” here, by the way, also doesn't mean being equal in ability or talent or whatever (even money in your bank!) it means being equals in POWER. It's POWER that counts. Not so much whatever else, though nobody should have so little in the bank they find living stressful or worse – driven to the unthinkable by need.

(That's not to say that you can't have a lesser degree of self reliance either or even that such isn't good to have. Only that these things are NOT it!)

Decentralized communes, coops, anarchistic/mutual aid networks and things like that together with the attitude that only human artifices can ever be subject to ownership in any remote form and NEVER Nature, are all far superior I think to the egregious capitalism in terms of their humanity. By themselves they don't constitute a system, no, but they are ingredients for one.

“But capitalism rewards innovation! Look at all this knowledge and science!” Why though must we “reward” innovation in the specific way of giving people nearly limitless exploitative POWER? Why hasn't anyone spent their “innovator” energy to “innovate” a new rewards system that isn't so evil?

“But Mao/Stalin/Pol Pot committed genocide!” Guess what, I agree that big government can be oppressive AS WELL AS big corporation. That's the thing. BOTH can be oppressive.

I'm not necessarily a dyed Anarchist but I think the more you decentralized power the better and Nature categorically must not be seen as something to be owned. Abolish ALL private, individual property in LAND now! Property in land is land theft!

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