
Capitalism is straight up slavery.

I do not mean to downplay what historical slavery is, of course that kind of slavery is something else entirely. But still, when you objectively look at how our society works, we are basically slaves. If you are born without any inheritance, your option is either to work or be homeless which basically means being an outlaw with no humans rights pretty much. The fact that loitering is an offense is the proof of it. If you do not have a home wtf are you supposee to do? You are not allowed to go into the wild and build your own house and have your own self sustaible farm, are you? In theory by being a citizen of a country the country is also yours, still you are not entitled to anything that country has to offer. If a fucking squirrel is allowed to be part of nature and not…

I do not mean to downplay what historical slavery is, of course that kind of slavery is something else entirely.

But still, when you objectively look at how our society works, we are basically slaves. If you are born without any inheritance, your option is either to work or be homeless which basically means being an outlaw with no humans rights pretty much. The fact that loitering is an offense is the proof of it.

If you do not have a home wtf are you supposee to do? You are not allowed to go into the wild and build your own house and have your own self sustaible farm, are you? In theory by being a citizen of a country the country is also yours, still you are not entitled to anything that country has to offer. If a fucking squirrel is allowed to be part of nature and not worry about his property tax why can't I? Do I even have to go into what borders are? The fact you are literally NOT ALLOWED to take a step beyond an imaginary border because a document says so? Am I the only one seeing how fucking absurd this is.

If my wish is to be in nature and not use any public service or perk why am I not allowed to? Is it really that absurd to believe that just by existing I am deserving of land? Why is it my problem if some selfish asshole who came before me decided I have to follow his little game? You are LITERALLY FORCED to work and to pay taxes to exist, because the alternative is sleeping on a sidewalk while you wait to die from some kind of disease or even worse be locked in a jail cell for as long as the system wants to. There is no alternative other than be part of a system that was designed by other people who only have their own interests in mind. Seriously fuck this shit. I have always known society was fucked but it seems it is becoming harder and harder to ignore it and even harder to accept people know about it but still do not feel like making a change

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