
capitalism is when

I see a load of communism is when memes, I thought I would share thoughts on how it would work if we did a capitalism is when… here goes… ​ capitalism is when: ​ every ten years there is a “once in a lifetime” recession ​ the poor are exploited to provide goods and services ​ pollution is good! ​ you declare that it's the only system that works, while actively sabotaging (murdering people in) any other system ​ continual growth is needed for the system to work, even though that is not possible ​ you are trapped in the system and the only way to escape is to be more of a capitalist ​ rights and profits naturally filter upwards, leaving those below with neither ​ profit is the most important thing, at the expense of everything else, also everything always gets more expensive, but smaller and worse ​…

I see a load of communism is when memes, I thought I would share thoughts on how it would work if we did a capitalism is when…

here goes…

capitalism is when:

every ten years there is a “once in a lifetime” recession

the poor are exploited to provide goods and services

pollution is good!

you declare that it's the only system that works, while actively sabotaging (murdering people in) any other system

continual growth is needed for the system to work, even though that is not possible

you are trapped in the system and the only way to escape is to be more of a capitalist

rights and profits naturally filter upwards, leaving those below with neither

profit is the most important thing, at the expense of everything else, also everything always gets more expensive, but smaller and worse

the only important thing is how much you earn, but nobody is allowed to mention how much that is

the present is more important than a future

a tiny amount of oligarchs rule over a pyramid of those without

Time, the most precious resource anywhere, is worth less than $15 an hour (in the worlds richest country) and in some places far less

family and personal growth are a distraction

you climb a ladder made of other people to get what you desire, but don't need

some countries use other countries as a wastebin

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