
Casinos suck.

25f security officer. I have been here, in the same department for 2 years. I was offered a promotion last year to become a dual rate supervisor. It was given to someone else behind my back, that person then stepped down as they couldn't handle it. Of course I was quite upset about this, but let it go. We have been through three supervisors this year alone. Illinois State Police is forcing the department to have one supervisor, and two dual rate supervisors per shift. They opened applications up on the internal website for us to apply for it, along with a full time dispatcher position as our dispatcher is leaving the department. I applied for both positions, wanting the dual rate supervisor position more, but would settle for dispatcher. Every person on my shift aside from two also applied. They all got interviews and were denied. I never received…

25f security officer. I have been here, in the same department for 2 years. I was offered a promotion last year to become a dual rate supervisor. It was given to someone else behind my back, that person then stepped down as they couldn't handle it. Of course I was quite upset about this, but let it go.

We have been through three supervisors this year alone. Illinois State Police is forcing the department to have one supervisor, and two dual rate supervisors per shift. They opened applications up on the internal website for us to apply for it, along with a full time dispatcher position as our dispatcher is leaving the department.

I applied for both positions, wanting the dual rate supervisor position more, but would settle for dispatcher.

Every person on my shift aside from two also applied. They all got interviews and were denied. I never received my interview, and no one has said a word to me about it. They have taken down both position openings. It is a company policy that ANY ONE who applies internally gets an interview; no matter how bad of a fit they may be, everyone gets a chance to interview.

I am quite frustrated with this. I am sadly the officer with the most seniority, we have a HUGE turnover rate. I know everything about my job and then some.

Of course the obvious answer is leave the company, but it's difficult finding a job that matches my pay rate. I'm only paid $15.50, but nothing around here pays close to that unless you have some sort of degree or experience.

I'm so incredibly unhappy and feel stuck. I hate working at this casino. Who do you go to when even HR goes against policy?

just needed to rant. thanks.

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