
cat strike 23

Caterpillar management is only for cat. Nobody cared about hourly employees at mapleton il foundry until 2 people died. THAT IS LUDICROUS IN MY OPINION! Ive worked there 2 years and just had an evaluation for the first time.LOL!! Asked uaw 974 how a manager says you have had 3 previous reviews in your employee records signed off as reviewed in person with you by your manager but no they have not. But they cant help with that even though FALSIFYING EMPLOYEE RECORDS IS ILLEGAL!!!Not according to union officials in my department(told to speak to some labor relations lady ive never heard of and is apparently never there) but a labor lawyer says otherwise. She says maybe class action cause this is common practice there apparently. I have seen union reps belittling young employees because “THEY CAN” they are only supplemental as they put it. This needs to change and…

Caterpillar management is only for cat. Nobody cared about hourly employees at mapleton il foundry until 2 people died. THAT IS LUDICROUS IN MY OPINION! Ive worked there 2 years and just had an evaluation for the first time.LOL!! Asked uaw 974 how a manager says you have had 3 previous reviews in your employee records signed off as reviewed in person with you by your manager but no they have not. But they cant help with that even though FALSIFYING EMPLOYEE RECORDS IS ILLEGAL!!!Not according to union officials in my department(told to speak to some labor relations lady ive never heard of and is apparently never there) but a labor lawyer says otherwise. She says maybe class action cause this is common practice there apparently. I have seen union reps belittling young employees because “THEY CAN” they are only supplemental as they put it. This needs to change and now. We get screwed on equipment and saftey all the time. CPSA (Caterpillar Precision Seals of America) Ashley production manager gives everyone mothers day off because “ALL MOTHERS SHOULD BE ABLE TO CELEBRATE WITH THEIR CHILDREN” meanwhile a at least 80% male workforce gets forced to work fathers day. They have a stockpile of parts expecting a strike but still forcing overtime 2 weeks in a row one off. Because we want to be like amazon and 3 day shipping while spouting record profits but i get a 250 bonus for the year but my manager says that cat screwed me on my bonus because i almost stroked and was put on disability for 2 months. Had a FMLA AND DISABILITY LEAVE BUT IT STILL WAS MY FAULT SOMEHOW. BUT NOT A UNION PROBLEM BECAUSE OF STRIKE TALKS. COMPLETELY BEYOND ME. Corporate America is completely out of hand with there greed. We dont need a ceo wno makes 100x what hourly employees make that is why we cant afford anything. IT ISNT OUR WAGES CAUSING INFLATION IT IS CORPORATE GREED!! THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT AMERICA.

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