
Enjoy while you are not working


Quarter life crises?

I’m a 27 y/o male that’s been working at a company for close to 5years now. I climbed the ladder rather quick through busting my ass and earned a supervisor position with great pay. However now that I got my promotion my “team” seems to think I need to do everything while they stand around and chat. I’m not the type to hold hands and tell you how to do your job when you’ve been there and know the daily procedures. On top of this I had a guy who I’m certain faked a “back injury” so now is on light duty (taking my office and now thinks can boss me around). starting to feel like I’m losing purpose at this company and feel disrespected for having them just be okay with giving away something I’ve earned. Starting week two of being “sick”. I am sick, Sick of the bullsh*t.


Feel like this is a kidnapping post in disguise ​ ​


“We offer childcare reimbursement” “I don’t have children, what benefits do you offer in lieu for your childless employees?”

“Well, in the future….” “In the future I still plan to be childless. So since you are offering in essence a $1200+ bonus every month to your employees with children, what are your childless employees offered in lieu of this benefit?” No one ever has an answer. Am I way off base thinking this? And is it not gross to assume that all women have or want to have children?


Boss deleted my punch and made me clock back in after I had been there 20 minutes bc he saw me talking to a co worker before we were even open

Is that legal? Lost 20 minutes on the clock because of it


Previous employer sent me a letter of termination after I quit, anything I can do to mess with them?

I gave my letter of resignation about 3 weeks ago, not sure if my manager just hadn't taken me off the schedule or whatever, anything funny I can do?


The thought of having to work every day for the next 50+ years makes me not wanna live anymore

Hello, I'm 24 and I hate my life right now. I wake up before dawn, go to my shitty retail job, sell overpriced shit to old people who don't need it all day, they yell at me, the managers yell at me, the company hates us. Then I go home, try to relax for an hour, then make dinner, clean up, sit for maybe another hour, then go to bed and do it again. I've been there over 2 years and can't get a raise even though I'm the hardest worker there. But every other job around me pays even less. I have no college degree but even if I got one it seems like this is life for everybody. Wake up, work, eat, clean, sleep, work, repeat. Forever. For decades and decades and decades and everything is the same and the monotony and futility of it doesn't bother anybody?…


Pre-pandemic work routine was unsafe and insane.

It absolutely blows my mind when I think about what we used to do before the pandemic in order to get to work. I live in a major Canadian city, and our winters can be extremely difficult. I live about 45 minutes outside of the city centre and that is without traffic. I used to work five days a week in the office and because public transit options are not optimal where I live, I chose to drive into work every day. The first thing I had to contend with, was the obvious traffic difficulties during morning and ate afternoon rush-hour. Secondly, I live in an area that has been growing exponentially every year thereby increasing the traffic problems along with it. During my 10 years living in this area, I have noticed that the government has done absolutely nothing to mitigate and offset the growing traffic problems getting to…


Lol classy people over on r/zeducation

Lol so inclusive! Its just a trump supporting circle jerk over there, and then wishing people got worked to death.


My UPS Story…

So there I was, excited to start a new job at UPS as a front desk attendant at one of their branch locations. I anticipated some sort of stereotypical first day action; sit down, listen/watch a few company videos, sort of an orientation. There was no orientation or anything. He brought me to the back, made me put on a shirt, and started training me. By the middle of the work day I was already using the computers with little supervision (I hope I didn’t make any serious mistakes). It was very busy, in fact one other employee told me “this is the worst day you could have been trained.” … Thanks for letting me know, I guess… Now with that laid out, my mentality going into this new UPS job was to bust ass and work hard to prove myself, and I did. I was sore from lifting pallets…