
My job wants me back but doesn’t want to pay more

I left a job 3 months ago because I hated it for many different reasons. Now they want me back and they want me to move to another city. I asked for a certain amount more than they offered me, as I know it's more expensive to live there, in order to justify actually moving there. They said no, but I can work extra hours to help make up the difference. Pretty sure that's a big NOPE from me.


I got a new career!!!

Old Job: Retail Manager. 50+ hour work week. Retail Hours(as in no life) 1 hour commute each way. 2% raise last year. $46k salary Boss was micromanager New Job: Human Resources 40 hour work week. No nights or weekends. After 6 months can work from home. 20 min commute. $65k base salary Boss is a former coworker. After 6 years with current employer I hit my breaking point. Nothing is good enough that we did. Despite massive sales increases. And making profit. I will be giving my notice Friday at 5pm.


Can’t imagine why they can’t find good help…


It’s not your Daddy’s capitalism anymore

Whenever I get into discussions with strong supporters of capitalism, I find it very common for people pro-capitalism to defend the system by using examples which are simplistic reductions of the system itself. John is a baker, Jim is a butcher and Joe is candlestick maker and they all get to meet in the town square of their local village to set prices and negotiate the value of their own labor. Sounds great, right? What could be bad about a system like that right? Nothing really. Under those conditions and those assumptions, capitalism and free markets are one of the greatest things to happen to mankind. The problem is those conditions and assumptions no longer match reality in the age of technology and automation. John and Jim have had their bakeries and butcher shops put out of business by grocery stores and now work for them directly with the value…


Saw the salary discussion post and decided to raise it with one of my own. An employee of 30 years was mad about a new hire doing the same job but making almost double what they were.


Thought this would fit here


my boss recently posted this regarding discussing pay.


You know something’s wrong when the zombie apocalypse looks like an appealing alternative to what we are living right now.


From one year ago. It’s crazy what we allow our leaders to get away with without burning everything down.


Sometimes I draw dumb little cartoons about a mouse named Ed. I made this one for my wife yesterday after she had a rough day at work. Thought you all might enjoy it.