
Trade Unions

Hi there, to start, I wanted to make clear that I'm a student, European and young enough to make mistakes, so if I say something wrong, don't be too rough with me please. One of the assignatures I have is politics. Today, we started to talk about trade unions in my country, and I found very interesting data I would like to share and compare to data I find in the US. The country I refer to is Germany, and the data I'll be using is from 2020 To start, 18.4% of all workers in germany are members of a Union, which is roughly 7.7 million from 41.74 million. In the US, 10.8% of all workers are members of a Union, circa 14.3 million from 132.41 million. In Germany from 2000 the percentage of workers in the unions is getting lower from 24% to an actual 18%. In the US,…


So I Couldn’t Dance

I auditioned for a dance reality show once – had to get in line extremely early in Winter, around 3am. I had just moved to the Big Apple and was ready to make it big. I’m a good dancer, not a prodigy anything, but I did work professionally in the biz for several years. I auditioned that afternoon and made it past the first round, and they told me to back the following day around 8am. When I got there, I found out I wasn’t on until midnight. We filled out paperwork and had to hang around, but they gave us a lunch break where we could leave the building. Meanwhile, I saw the catered lunch come in for the staff, but it wasn’t for the lowly dancers. Time crawled by and I finally got my moment onstage in front of the famous judges. Not surprisingly, it wasn’t my best…


Saw this my first week on the floor when I worked for Wave Broadband, should have recognized the red flag then


A literal token of their appreciation


I just started working and I already hate it

Hey, long time lurker here. I'm not asking for sympathy, I just feel like venting. I'm young and I just started my first job at a call center. They paid minimum wage for the small town I live in ($10 per hour). Anyway, normally I keep my cool and am very patient with customers over the phone but today a male Karen kept screaming me, demanding to talk to a supervisor. I was annoyed because it was last call of the day; was 1 minute away from the end of my shift and the guy was screaming my ear off to get the supervisor right now. I got fed up and just hung up on him and left work right as the shift ended. I'm sure I'm going to get fired for it because I have the feeling he called back after I hung up but in the moment I…


An individualist, hyper-competitive society eats itself for dinner.



I was working for a startup and I quit

Wanted to know if this was a good idea so I thought I’d ask you guys. Basically a friend of mine I. College reached out to me because I know how to get things moving for a new idea he had. I actually think it’s a really good idea so I agreed thinking that if I pushed hard enough he would give me worthwhile equity. Eventually the idea was moving along with me basically doing everything, making models for revenue growth, setting up meetings with professionals in the VC space so we could learn what type of startups they like to invest in, etc. I then told him I want 33% equity or I quit as I was doing most of the work. He was only willing to give me 3%. I quit on the spot. I was hurt that he didn’t value my contributions enough to give me a…


BENEFITS: you get paid


So. Much. Nope.


After how many red flags would you have given up?

Headhunter firm contacts you about a very high-skill and specific kind of job but claims not to know what the pay range is. You make your rate for that kind of work perfectly clear, you get a “should be no problem” answer to that. Sounds interesting and you are bored anyways so why not give it a closer look. Both the headhunter firm and the company they are hunting for are very large, serious and famous companies. The kind that make it sound quite dreamy to have something to do with either one of them. You are redirected to the firm in question for an interview with two of their managers, both of which would be direct supervisors to you should you transition. Usual stuff, for you rather basic questions, strange hint that I should avoid telling the headhunter firm all the details about how it goes from now on.…