Category: Antiwork
6 people own 50% of the wealth.
I know it seems hard and pretty hopeless at times, but fight for your truth and continue everyday to open eyes and getting people in your everyday life to question the status quo of our political and economic systems. Movements like these form on the ground, start fighting in your everyday life for what you know is right.
What's the point of excelling if my reward is an effective 5% pay cut from inflation?
I quit my job
I left my highly paid salaried position because my manager was an abusive dumbass…the kind who encouraged people to come to work while positive with coronavirus under the belief that it's a liberal hoax and no worse than the common cold. I quit with no notice and no job lined up. It has been the best decision I've made for myself since I started working 17 years ago, hands down. I regret nothing. They will end up having to pay much more to the next person/people who backfill my role and are likely to lose a significant dollar amount in sales from my departure since nobody else there can do my job. I get some time to reflect on what I can do in the world and can properly vet new prospects to avoid being trapped with incompetent leadership once more. Maybe I'll be singing a different tune when I…
We all need to start protesting more.
Legit protesting, none of the January 6th, Ottawa bullshit/shit storms that we’ve seen. Those of us that want a better life need to gather, and peacefully protest, because our voices need to be heard. Look at the crowds Dr. King drew, and he was just one person (there were a great deal of volunteers who helped make it happen). Could you imagine if more of us dedicated the time and effort to protest in front of each of these businesses that’s trampling over us? Imagine what that would do! People are standing up for Starbucks workers who want to unionize, and look at the AMAZING progress they’re making! If we see a story on here that we want to see defended, we should honestly ask one another, who would stand up for that person by protesting for them, making an outside voice heard, so these companies become aware that we’re…
You see some crazy lady acting up she should be recorded. Dealing with crazy people shouldn’t be the norm and anytime you are in a place you are doing workers a favor by posting this stuff. These entitled people should have consequences for their actions. While working these employees are not in a place to yell, attack or record customers. But you are. Eventually Consequences will happen for them. Someone will see it. The I was having a bad day never works in the favor of these types of people anymore and they should be shamed. So raise your phones up and don’t let Becky or Gertrude slide when acting like crazy rabid diva over a coupon or order mix up.