Category: Antiwork
saw this on a job posting wtf
I've been a lurker on this sub for a while, and just wanted to rant. I'm in the sex work industry and currently make 200k a year. I feel so lucky that I'm able to do this. If I wasn't doing this, I know I would have nothing. I came from an abusive household and was completely broke at 18. I read all the stories on antiwork and see myself a few years ago, broke and scared. I don't know what I'd do without OF. I'm so tired of boomers that don't understand today's economy for young people. At 18, I had literally nothing. And my mom told me I HAD to go to university. She said she wouldn't support me going to community College. I had B's and C's and I was broke. I was expected to pay for it on my own. No scholarships. When I tried telling…
antiwork shoule be anti income tax
i spent my time earning money and your just gonna take it form me why doesn't the government get creative with taxes why don't they increase real estate taxes or robot taxes why are coming after my hard earned money
Help yourself
This happened at our office Christmas party in our Scottish HQ, some years ago when parties were normal. The big boss had thoughtfully laid out a bottle of 20-year-old malt whisky with some plastic cups and a note saying “HELP YOURSELF”. Big mistake. Before long, the entire bottle had vanished. Understandably, a lot of people who hadn't yet sampled the boss's largesse got very upset, and the boss himself had to stop the music for an announcement. Boss: “I know the note by the Scotch said 'help yourself', but I really didn't mean for that to imply 'help yourself to the whole bottle'. There are guests here who just want to enjoy themselves, so if the person who swiped the bottle will just own up and put it it back, I promise nothing more will be said and we can all treat it as a practical joke”. Silence. Boss: “Seriously,…
Just went on a rant about it irl but seriously. I work on a golf course as maintenance and 99% of our equipment is stupidly old. The newest piece of equipment is a year old with the oldest being almost 30 years old. Even the machine I run is almost 7 at this point. They are stupidly buying equipment that accumulates hundreds of hours over the course of the season and of course it wears down and breaks with new problems arising all the time. So we have to spend money on the parts and use valuable time to fix it. It's even worse if it's an absolutely crucial machine because we don't have backups. We got what we got because we're poor. My previous boss and my current boss have told the board and management time and again we should lease equipment because all we'd be responsible for is…
I recently quit a job. It had all the signs of a toxic workplace, so I’m glad I finally did quit. While there was some resentment initially there has been a shift in attitude that I can’t quite put my finger on….and I’m suspicious. Recently, I spoke with a friend that had quit a job in an industry that is very safety conscious. They declined his offer of a notice period as “his head would not be in the right space and that’s when accidents happen”. My job is in an industry where there are critical aspects to people’s safety. I’ve been given no advice about a handover procedure and am left working with an untrained person that has zero experience in this field. This week I was told to replace a safety system and I replied that im not willing to restart the machine after the system has been…
Getting the raise is only the first hurdle, the next (and most difficult parts) are maintaining pay by not allowing companies to quietly lower wages after their grandiose shows of faith, and not allowing any sort of benefit weakening. Normalize wage discussions, Working harder only makes bad management decisions look good Keep up the good work, stay strong my brothers and sisters! edit for formatting
Advice wanted – Australia.
So I recently did a job trial on a Sunday for 2 hours & got paid $35.. no discussion beforehand about pay, was only a casual thing & I didn’t do all that much during said trial. There was no formal interview beforehand etc. As an adult 21+ surely I should’ve received $20 an hour, not 17.50 especially on a Sunday?? Even as basic human decency, it was still my time. I’m not going to say anything as it was only 2 hours. I expect a lot of people here to tell me it’s not worth it but I genuinely do need work & have had trouble getting work due to the bs going on here atm. Anyway asking for advice as they’ve asked me to come for a few trial shifts soon… if the actual person I’ve communicated with/person in charge of pay isn’t around how to I breach…