
This escalated from 0 to full blown Dystopian real quick.


This sign was posted outside of the closest Taco Bell to me up in VT.


This restaurant in Austin


What an Opportunity!!


Genuine questions for this subreddit.

Do you pity people who work towards career goals? For instance, someone who is going through residency to be a doctor. Do you think society would be better if those people didn't work towards career goals? Would-be engineers or doctors simply decided to tune out of society and “idle.” What is the problem with having to earn a living? The default human condition is one of suffering and struggling for survival. The ability to be lazy and survive is an extremely new condition for our species. Why are you entitled to the labor of others when you yourself do not want to work? For instance housing, if you want free housing then who exactly pays for the labor of all those people who built, maintained and designed that house? Who decides what is fair in terms of wages and labor? If you ran a business would you be the employer…


Landlord has advised that they are putting the rent up 30% as it’s ‘market rate’

Lived in the property for 5 years and this will the 3rd increase. The other 2 were manageable but this is fucking ridiculous, ive not had a payrise for 3 years now. How the fuck is this even allowed?


Being micromanaged by a higher level manager.

I’m a first line manager at a new org with my company. I won’t disclose the name but it’s a large legacy corporation in America, and has been around for a very long time. Anyways, we have this asshat mid-level manager that’s on loan to “help” us. He’s 2 levels of leadership above me. He’s also got a reputation of bad leadership and spilling his vices over into the work place. The asshat is not over our leadership team in the org charts but someone even higher up gave him that authority. He is constantly in my business, questioning my production status and then makes decisions behind my back that affect my teams. He’s really bad at micromanaging and gets turned around with the narrative he’s got built up in his head. He berates anyone for sub par performance in front of other senior leaders. He also defers blame to…


Know your worth, y’all!

Had a recruiter reach out to me today; I'm not actively looking for a job, but I'm open to changing jobs for the right environment, so figured I'd hear them out and see what they had to offer. Turns out, they want someone to do what I'm doing at my current job (and then some, I might add) for about $13 an hour less than I'm getting paid now. Insane.


Americans are brainwashed by ‘the grind’ mindset


Instead of encouraging companies to pay a living wage, The Globe and Mail thinks we all should get a second or third job!