I’m an EMT at a theme park here in California. At this job, we are scheduled for 8 hours flat, ex 1-9 or 2-10, etc. We clock in to an automated time clock and also write down our times on a break sheet. Here at this theme park, we do NOT receive any official lunch or 15 min breaks. There are times when this works out in our favor, meaning we’ll have no calls all 8 hours and essentially get to do whatever we want sometimes and other times we’ll be busy the entire 8 hours and get no break what so ever. For example, today, as soon as I started my shift, my manager wanted me to do inspections, I did for 2 hours, then she called me and wanted to go switch positions with another EMT, when in reality, at the 2 hour mark, I should have been…
Category: Antiwork
Hey, I work in an office and my job role means that I have a lot of time where I’m waiting for people to send me things, leading to a lot of time where I have nothing to do. Looking for ideas on what to do in that downtime. My boss sits at a desk right next to mine with only a chest-high partion between us, making fucking around on the internet difficult as he can and does pop his head round at any minute. My current strategy is to listen to an audiobook on my headphones while I copy out a random document in word, but this gets boring after a while. Any ideas?
suffice to say, I walked out. I have the support of all my coworkers and upper management save for my GM, who texted me after the incident trying to intimidate me into saying that I was quitting, even telling me that walking out was considered voluntary quitting, and that if I did not return to this—clearly unsafe—workplace, I would be considered to have quit on the spot. I have been nothing but a good employee and this is the treatment I receive. the AM and I have, historically, gotten along well in the time that I’ve been here—this was genuinely out of nowhere. The only trigger I can think of is that I had to leave early a few days ago, but we had worked together since in what felt like a perfectly normal shift. I’m fucking floored, to say the least. I have no doubts about the fact that…
This sub makes me paranoid
was just reading y’all’s experiences… wow.
Strike for Palestine
I feel like this is the most Antiwork topic rn, folks! Who's going on strike tomorrow?
You need to lie to get jobs
I've been struggling to even get entry level retail jobs, despite having years of work expirence. So I decided to just lie on my resume, I'm now giving myself promotions in my resume lying that I was a manager. If everyone else is lying on their resume, then it's better to join them I guess.
Work makes me suicidal.
How am I supposed to survive like this? Every time I wake up, I feel suffering and dread. Every job I've ever had has eventually made me feel like this. I don't see a way out. I fantasize about jumping off a high point at work. I don't WANT to feel this way, but I don't know how to fix it. My medicine isn't helping anymore. I wish I could survive without working.
A shoplifter walked out, i being the MOD, followed him out to get a picture of the car and license plate so i could call the cops. The shoplifter saw me with my phone in my hand and said “if i give it back will you not call the cops?” I said okay, when he handed me a jar of mayonnaise and can of chicken salad i immediately felt sorry for the guy. I gave him a lecture about how if he was starving he could say that and i would feel badly enough to buy him a sandwich, but not to steal from me. Me meaning the store. About a month later i was asked to make a statement about the incident and a month after that i was terminated. I would have been better off if i had lied and said i found the merch on the floor…
Boss kept previous laptop
My manager got a new laptop at work and gave her old laptop to her husband to use. I found out because I tried to virtually connect for a meeting with my boss and her husband answered the call on video, looked surprised and then hung up on me right away. My boss and I used a different app to complete our meeting right after that and I told her what happened and she did tell me what she did and didn’t seem concerned. Not only is this an ongoing breach of IT security for the company—-isn’t this downright theft? I’m sure he just doesn’t want to pay for applications he uses, let alone the hardware. She openly acknowledged her “gifting” of the laptop for him to use but I’m pretty confident this was her own doing and she doesn’t have any permission or knowledge from our employer to do…
Not enough time off work?
I work for a company that gave no paid time off/vacation for first year of employment. All the days I've taken off have been unpaid, either because a family wedding was pre-planned, a funeral, and a few paid sick days. In total I've taken 1 week off this entire year. None of these days have actually been “time off” since theres always something to do. Should I be taking more time off? I feel really burnt out. There's been coworkers who have taken 30 days off, some who have taken maybe only a 1.5 weeks.