
I’ve been paid less than minimum wage and I can’t challenge it because the boss is my reference for my new job

that is all lol – the system is so broken


Question re: required to be on call

My spouse is a salaried software developer (Oregon, USA) and he is required to be on call ~1 week very 4-8 weeks for 7 days. So that would be 8-12 weeks a year. This means he has to be available to take calls and potentially work (on the computer) if he is called. It used to be compensated but now it is entirely uncompensated. Is this legal? (I know I could ask legal advice but I’d rather ask here.)


Work email no longer working

so a big company had my dad employed through them. got laid off for winter. he called them and they said he'd get a call in a couple of weeks because they had his name down. he called again a couple of weeks later and they told him in a day or so because for sure they were up and running again. he saw the job posted so applied internally as it suggested to ensure his name got on the list. guess who's email no longer works for the portal. ugh. I don't have the heart to tell him..


Petty employer

Not really posting the following as a question, just sharing my experience as a trade worker. I've been in trades for the past 10 years. Never have I been dismissed after putting my notice in before with this level of unprofessionalism. Today I put my notice in at my job. Been working there since September. Two days ago I recieved an offer from my local union. Better pay, better benefits, better time off ect. I walked into the office of the two owners and told them I could finish out the week. One owner just said “ok” and didn't speak again. Considering he was the got head of the two ibwas rather surprised. It was the other, who I never really spoke with because his job was to quote jobs and do the paperwork that gave me the more surprising response. He said to me “the union is going to…


Can I get sued to for leaving behind a mess?

Hi! I worked as a supervisor in an office setting and honestly wasn’t doing too great, honestly I wasn’t the right fit for the job. I knew I was going to be fired at some point, and this job was destroying my mental health. So the other day I quit without notice. I left my team a mess, there was a lot of stuff that needed to be fixed that I left hanging, including some pay corrections. Do you think I can be sued for this?


Boss wants to exploit my willingness to mentor and empower marginalized people

Looking for advice. tldr; agreed to mentor another female coworker and now my boss is trying to get me to extend this education to other departments, while doing so would be far beyond my original job description/pay. I work in customer support. I’m very over qualified for my job, but because of current life situations I applied for this position because I cannot currently handle a more demanding job. However,the last 90 days I am accruing more and more responsibilities beyond my position title and turning into sales operations manager. Discussion of my change of title has been floated in meeting conversations within the last 2 weeks, but no one-on-one with the boss about it yet. Recently a female coworker working in customer service inbox asked me if I would teach her some things about sales and help her climb within the company, as she doesn’t have a lot of…


Why does it have to be like this?

Why do we have to spend our precious time at work, and then come home to do our chores and have so little time to do the things you actually enjoy. When I’m at work I think of all the things I’d rather be doing and it gets me depressed.


It’s insane how ingrained working for the man is

I literally have pneumonia. And all I keep worrying about is my work and how they are disappointed/stressed whatever by being a person down I literally haven't gotten out of this bed in the last 3 days and yet I still can't stop thinking about how I need to be back asap! Like what the actual fuck?


Is there anything I can do if my full time job switches hours?

I signed on almost a year ago to work a full time position at a community center that is open 9am-8pm. My agreed upon hours as the manager were 9am-5:30pm as long as the evening hours were covered by 3 part time staff. We are undergoing some Director changes and because of this the program is being looked at with fresh eyes. The fresh eyes want there to be a manager closing the center (even though we have had zero issues with the part time staff closing). They changed my work schedule to 11:30am-8pm with two weeks notice. This will leave one part time person to open the center alone. The reason this is such a problem for me (other than the obvious switcheroo they pulled, them going back on their word, and the obvious flaws to their logic) is that I have another part time job that I occasionally…


Hypocrite manager

I just started a job I've been there almost an entire month now and although I enjoy it mostly the main manager I hate. During my interview she said something's that made it a little red flaggy like “it's not exactly like a family but we're close” “most my workers are loyal to me”. A few days ago we “had” to have someone cover a shift, all our cooks have been begging for hours and we were all told over time is okay, but instead of ask her employees she has her SON who works at another store cover the shift, as he's on over time. No one's getting more then 30-35 hours and she's hiring another person. As we are closing that night her son is playing rap music such as WAP and some others not quite sfw. Then today I made a joke and said the word fuck,…