
My boss micromanages, and i’m torn between working fast paced or slowing down when completing my tasks/deadlines?

I'm a nurse and work from home. Along with my other colleagues. We're a pretty small team since we're all nurses. There's around 6 of us currently, and then there's my manager. My Friend 'Amy' and i have been the two nurses who's tasks are mainly calling doctors clinics, scheduling appontments for the other nurses as we also work with insurance companies. I was able to manage a large amount of cases in my name, and my other colleague was falling behind as there were only two of us. In the beginning, my manager mentioned our target was around 5-10 appointments booked daily. I excelled in booking appointments for my other colleagues and would often book around 18-20 or so daily. it depends if the clinics would allow it as we have around an 8-10 day deadline and if we could not schedule it, then it would be changed to…


150 Starbucks stores to go on strike over Pride decoration policy – ABC7 Los Angeles


When your boomer boss thinks leaving a “comic” by the computer will motivate you

Meanwhile he chain smokes all day and drinks pop in his fake office aka hanging out the side door of the building 🤣🤣️️


Advice needed on dealing with a bad boss

Hello everyone, I’m looking for some advice on how to deal with my boss as this is the first time I’ve had a particularly bad one. I had a conversation with her today about how she talked to me earlier (very short tempered; snapped at me) after asking for clarification on a coverage-related issue. She brought to the light how she simply just doesnt like speaking with me based on “poor attitude”, scheduling difficulties, and asking for coverage too much- which I don’t necessarily deny, I ask for coverage more than my average coworker but it’s almost always because of my health issues, which I have also gotten a doctors note for. I was wondering if I could go to HR about this? I’m contemplating doing so for a few reasons. 1. Multiple coworkers say that she treats them similarly and at this point we just dont like talking to…


Apparently they were heroes


Was fired from my job second shift in despite putting 100% of my effort into it


No more 4% raises, but increase production by 2%

I’m reading a 2010 report report on my state’s budget deficit and these were two recommendations made by a an outside firm.


77% of Americans too fat, mentally ill, or drug-addicted for military, Pentagon says –


Manager yelled at me and used sarcasm

my manager called and yelled at me over the phone since I made a mistake on an order on the register. It was a big mistake which cost us some money. He called our store and asked to speak to me. He yelled, “what were you thinking?!” “How could you even think that after what I told you!?” He didn’t give me a chance to respond because he kept going. He then said “okay well—I can’t do anything because I am driving!! So here is what you are going to do..” He then preceded to tell me instructions—but paused for a moment and said, “do you got thaaaat?!! are you listennnnning?” Like really sarcastic tone and still yelling. Someone else told me they thought he just raises his voice but I felt it was yelling in that moment. He then asked me to call him back in a text which…



Is it against the rules or something to write someone up without their signature and never tell them. Specifically on a writeup where it's fill in the blank. My friend got written up with a format of this. “I _(insert name, which the manager did)__ did not perform my job description on (date)__. Employee _(still blank)_. (I assume they should sign it) Manager _(managers signed name)__. Manager notes _(insert bullshit here, which the managers did). Corrective actions to be taken _(they wrote 'to be determined')____ My friend was not aware of this. None of us have ever had this done to us, at least not that we've seen. Saw this in the office. What do they do at this point?