Category: Antiwork
How to Call Out?
It's AMAZING my eye muscles didn't tear with how much they rolled.
We had a conversation about how I feel that was too low, considering the line of work I do, the danger of it and how long I’ve been full time here. For the first time, I was asked “what’s your number? I’ll present to upper management.” Shocked and surprised, I calculated what would be my high and my lowest acceptable number. She took notes of it and will get back to me with an answer. I’m already predicting a counter that will be super low and I’ll either eat it or decline. But it was refreshing for someone to say “tell us what you deserve to be compensated at” and not have any push back. So we’ll see what happens.
You may remember we discussed this story before on here. The case has now settled and I'm happy to say the workers won! News article with the updates:
Why Not Just Lie?
I think many of us would agree that a lot of the best-paid people and higher-ups in the private sector largely do nohing and/or are generally incompetent to perform the tasks necessary for day-to-day operations without help. And i think a good deaI of people are familiar with being “over qualified” or whatever. But something I've long pondered is as to why more of people don't simply lie their way to their success or position or whatever. Granted I've tried this before and got hit with some follow-up questions but managed to bumble my way through. When I got hired I was frank with my supervisor about my depth of knowledge and he trained me from there. But with a little forethought and research it doesn't seem too hard to fake-it through to corporate type jobs. Engineering, maintenance, and trades probably require actual experience and knowledge though for safety. References…
So I was talking with a coworker at work and he started telling me about his last job. He worked there for 15 fucking years, and for the last 5 years he received $700 per month without one fucking salary increase. Then covid started and the company told him that now they could only pay him $500 per month. He didn't have other option than accept the reduction. Luckily after some months he find a new job(where we work right now) It's incredible how fucked up it's the world, I really hope something will change some day. Just wanted to vent, sorry…