Every June, our factory shuts down for 2 weeks for factory maintenance. Everybody is off work, paid, for the whole 2 weeks. This morning they decided to dump on us that redundancies are right around the corner and everybody in the company is at risk and they're going to put people in a selection pool. I'm a hard worker, my last sick day was 2017, I've been there for 6 years and now I'm left in limbo for 2 weeks wondering if I have a job after our break. I constantly feel a knife above my head and a clock is ticking. They couldn't have picked a worse time to dump this news on everyone.
Category: Antiwork
Was hired a month ago for 50 cents above minimum wage and min wage goes up a dollar in July. Since I was hired, my responsibilities have doubled and my boss is so graciously giving me a raise of $1 in July and saying we’ll discuss again in a few months. So I’d still making 50 cents above minimum wage -_-
That's pretty much it. I'm not sure if conservatives are too stupid to see the logic in this or if they know and they're faking it you know as they do so…? What is your end game motherfuckers?
This is a slap to the face.
Needless to say, I'm looking for another job.