Category: Antiwork
working from home fuels sick note crisis
definitely nothing to do with low wages, low standard of living and a compete destruction of basic health services…
Organization is the major problem to overcome (maybe build/utilize an AI for that), but maybe we can collaborate to replace the upper class with cheap AI. All the jobs are going to disappear anyway, and those at the top aren’t going to let go of their power easily. We ought to make them obsolete.
I want to start this by making it known that whenever I start new job I give maximum effort to do my jobs to the very best of my ability, usually using a lot of free time learning everything I can about a given role to perform it with maximum efficiency. I have always been annoyed when I would see coworker’s putting in half the effort as I would, constantly thinking they need to do more. Looking back at previous roles I am realising that I was the stupid one, I would always be paid the highest but put out double the work. 50p extra an hour for double the work is silly and I am now seeing that I didn’t actually benefit from this as it would quickly lead to burnout and resentment of “lazy” coworkers. They always seemed happy, less stressed and have an overall better time at…
Another phat phuck running his mouth
Where I work, we have a Continuous Improvement Team, they're job, is to figure out how to cut a job, by moving work around.
How can I be a good boss?
I have currently gotten a supervisor position and I want to be a good boss and have my subordinates happy to work. To preface it is a state government job, not a business so its not like I need to keep things running at 100% to insure profit margines, and I don't have a labor profit margin to worry about. The guy before me use to create essentially an itinerary of what people would be doing for certain hours of the day. I dont agree with this because i dont think it is good for moral. However, if someone wanted that i would be happy to waste my time in makijg one for them. Either way, I still want to be a good boss and create a work environment that my people are excited about. I am in a unique position where the upper management has retired and now it…
“In our younger days we caught trains, buses, ferries to get to work,” she said. “This generation is just selfish.”
CVS In Rhode Island Held Accountable!!!
Attention all RI CVS Employees Read This!!! So I've got big news everyone. Some backstory here, when I was employed with CVS last October I filed a complaint with the RI Department of Labor because CVS wasn't paying time and a half on Sundays, a clear violation of RI Title 25-3. Well, I've been on the phone with HR for the better part of a month, and they finally are going to give me my wages that I'm owed. This is huge news because it sets a precedent that they acknowledge the law applies to me, meaning it also applies to you guys as well. I recommend that you all call HR, and demand what you're owed. For those more skeptical or worried about retaliation don't worry. The Department of Labor is on the case, and you will get your wages back, make no mistake. About a year ago I…