Category: Antiwork
What’s my legal course here?
So I get paid every Fridays, I work through a temp agency, and they've recently changed owners/were bought out by another temp agency. That was a few months ago, and while they were changing everything my paycheck was late. It happens, I get it, but I had it that day after talking to my representative. The Friday before last (5/5/23) I wasn't paid the correct amount, because I worked a double the week before that, and my supervisor at the company I'm temping at gave me a day off (super cool dude). So that paycheck was messed up because someone mistook a 2 for a 5 or the other way around (bullshit excuse that I was told when I called my temp agency). Which brings us to this past Friday (5/12/23), I wasn't paid, and when I called them they told me that they were fixing the paycheck, and that…
Good wages consistent work great pension. Not to ment its very easy to move up and around.
Job Search Depression
I got laid off a week ago. Now I'm having to look for a new job, deal with my mortgage company, etc. How to youanage the depression when your world got turned upside down? And don't you love how a company can expect your best, but drop you like a rock if the wind blows in the right direction.
Manager harassing me
My manager obviously has a romantic interest in me. I’m not attracted to him at all. He’s so creepy – he’s becoming aggressive as he’s not getting his way. It’s driving me crazy. What should I do?
Today I sent a message to my manager to let her know of my decision to quit my internship, as I had a better opportunity lined up. Their answer was to tell me how sad they were that I made that decision without talking to them first , how they thought I was enjoying the work , and how they always tried to make it know how open they were for me to talk to them , and how they were sad that I sent it in writing and didn’t talked to them. I can understand it came as a surprise , since I didn’t tell anything to anyone , and only decided to let them know when I was certain, and to my knowledge I didn’t do anything wrong. I feel like they took this personally and are kinda trying to guilt me , but I might be reading…
They want it both ways…
I keep seeing videos of fully automated stores etc in China…. It’s probably here already too. I’m all for advancing technologies but I’m definitely concerned about the millions of jobs that are about to be taken by automation. Thoughts?
I was in my last job 10 years, I also run an etsy store. For years I've been feeling constantly overwhelmed, stressed, feel like drowning in a to do list thats only getting longer and longer, not able to make any progress. I'm disabled so struggled massively with fatigue and joint pain limiting what I can do in any given day. My internal battery was always running on fumes. I shut my etsy in January. Couldn't cope. I've put on heaps of weight in the past 2 years, not had the time or energy to exercise and because of this my mobility has worsened until I'm a shadow of who I was 5 years ago. No social life because something had to give. Weekends were spent recovering from work and packing orders. I left my job end Feb. After spending a month panicking over my choices I've finally settled into…