
Boss recorded me

So my job opened up a new clinic and I’m the main person who runs it, being the only full time front desk person. The owners (a husband and wife) stopped by and did some work. The wife left and the husband choose to stay behind. He said he wanted to watch me make some sales. Which is fine. I’m not intimidated by him at all. He watches me make two sales and seems impressed. He comes up to me after and says “do I have your consent to record you?” I was a bit confused but said yes. Then he says “good because I already did” and then proceeds to show me a video of me making one of those sales. He just wanted to give me some constructive criticism. However I was so upset that he asked AFTER he already did it. I kinda of brought it up…


time to strike!


Just saw my “working from home” manager at the mall

I took a couple of days off this week. My gf had some things she needed to pick up at the mall so I decided to tag along. Who should I spot there only my manager strolling along, Gucci bag in tow looking very pleased with herself (I don't think she saw me). Of course this wouldn't be an issue except she is ostensibly “working” today. The same manager who almost never answers calls or follows through on what she says (sorry I was in meetings all day!). The same manager who pushed hard for people (not her) to get back to the office. The same manager who after receiving universally terrible feedback from her subordinates was given a promotion of sorts. It feels like all of us working folk are being made fools out of.


Checks late 3rd time – I just sent this email to the managing partner and my boss. Let’s see what happens


“boss makes a dolla, i make a dime, that’s why i poop on company time. ”

my bf finally embracing the quote


How TikTok Perfectly Destroyed America


Second job interview was short?

My second job interview was extremely short compared to the first one where it lasted over half hour. Second interview was where he pretty much ran down my resume and asked this and that, strengths/weaknesses, a few questions regarding my current role and what I do. Pretty much lasted 15 mins. Asked for the next steps and he just said directors are on vacation and said he genuinely doesn't know the next steps yet. But yeah, prepared all weekend just for it to be a short interview lol


Ich bräuchte rechtliche Ratschläge

Der vorherige Thread: Ich habe in meinem letzten Thread geschrieben, wie unprofessionell sich mein Arbeitgeber gegenüber mir verhalten hat. Nun hat er die Beschwerde, die ich an die Zentrale geschickt hatte, mitbekommen und mir mit rechtlichen Konsequenzen gedroht. Darunter ist üble Nachrede mit angeblichen 4 Zeugen. Die Arbeitskleidung war angeblich auch schmutzig und muss in die Reinigung. Jetzt will er mir nicht meinen Lohn auszahlen und mir die Rechnung für die Reinigung schicken. Auf seine Nachricht bin ich so weit nicht eingegangen und möchte erstmal meine Optionen durchgehen diesbezüglich. Beweise habe ich nur in Form von WhatsApp Nachrichten und Screenshots. Die Mitarbeiter sind wahrscheinlich so sehr von ihm eingeschüchtert, dass sie alle gegen mich aussagen, falls es so weit kommen wird. Ich weiß in der Tat nicht wie es weitergehen soll.


Advice on how to not feel guilty about leaving job

I am a college student and have been offered a amazing summer job opportunity. That being said, I am wondering how I don’t feel guilty about leaving my retail job as I am a huge help to this company and one of the main people that work (I don’t have any special job labels that are different from my peers, just a regular retail worker that goes out of their way to help tremendously).


Can anybody help me with my paycheck problem?

So I just started a new job and I got a paper check. I wrote mobile deposit only on the back and did a mobile deposit thru my banking app. They rejected it multiple times and now I can't use the feature anymore. My bank is VARO so it's only an online bank. I went to amscott, the check cashing store, etc and they can't cash it. I asked my employer and they can't reissue another check. Can anybody help me get it cashed?