
very interesting titlé



The unemployment process is ridiculous, convoluted, and just another opportunity for your employer to f*ck you over

I got laid off last month. To add insult to injury, I'm now 6 months pregnant and my SO and I were on my insurance so that's been fun. I got laid off at the same time as the vast majority of my department, its sister department, and several higher ups. HR and operations also sort of phased out at this time. The company's basically down to a skeleton crew as they put all their eggs in the basket of one aspect in particular. Fortunately I did get some amount of severance in the form of 2 weeks' pay and the bonus I was supposed to be paid some time in February from 2022. It's now past the time the bonus covered and I've been trying to navigate my state's unemployment system. The website is surprisingly advanced for 2005, arbitrary, and overly specific in terms of the way I'm supposed…


Asked Snapchat AI for 500 word essay on the socioeconomic downfall of the united states and it delivered.


Google Authorizes $70 billion stock buyback


Do We Need Economic Growth? – All living beings stop growing at some point. The global economy is different: it just keeps growing. Is a world without economic growth possible and what might that mean for the future? Watch the full documentary


Here’s to another 56 hour week at my 13.50 an hour dead end hell job!

I need to just complain a little, please. I do data entry for a prominent scummy oxygen supply company. It’s a hell scape. Totally unorganized. Constantly stressful. Nonstop workload to the point that most people skip breaks just trying to make sure we done have to work a weekend. With constantly changing insurance guidelines we get yelled at daily for not doing something the way they told us yesterday even though they told us to do it another way today. We typically have to have everything entered that was received by 12:00 pm on the last day worked for the end of the month. If the last day of the month is a Saturday or Sunday this usually means a super long day on Friday, but guaranteed a weekend off for once. Not this weekend. Today our manager tells us halfway through the day that people at the top now…


I might lose my job because I’m sick.

For refrence I’m 19 and this is my 3rd job. I had to leave them before last year because of medical issues, but I’ve been with them since February again. I get paid 15 an hour, it’s an entry level job, and horrendously managed. The manager just sits outside or in the office, barely doing anything. He doesn’t tell us when he changes the schedule or when managers are coming to visit and whatnot. He doesn’t even print the schedule some days. Now I’ve called out on March 27th, April 12th, and today. My position is supposed to be 10-15 hours yet I’m working 25 hours a week some times. I’ve talked to my manager about it and my schedule will be back to normal for a week and then back to being over 20. I know it’s not a lot but I’m also a full time college student. Apparently…


How is the pay so similar?!

I don’t understand how all these jobs though vastly different pay so similarly. Has anyone else seen this in their area? The job titles and posted pay. Eye wear tech $22 Park ranger $24 LPN $26 McDonald's supervisor $19 Production control 50-60k General labor $18.40 Honda production 21-28 Tire tech 18-24 Diesel apprentice 19-21 QC tech Pepsi 24 Trainer fedex 24.55 Forklift 21 CNC 22.65 Grinder operator 20


Told I’d have to do free work in interview

Just had a decent enough interview, but during they mentioned that due to past employees I'd have to show up and train without pay. I've got the experience and background to do it, and it's a niche industry so I think I have a fair shot at it. Right now my plan is to take the job if I get the offer and report them to the DoL when I don't get paid, but I wanted to see if I'm missing something crazy that's passed recently legalizing unpaid labor in North Carolina.


Unhinged Recruiter on LinkedIn and Hubstaff?

This will be a throwaway but, has anyone ever used the site HubStaff? I just had the most disturbing encounter on this site. I was contacted by this “recruiter” that works for Pinnacle Elite which is a known scam (the company is also in connection with “World Financial Group”). Here is the message. First off, nothing in my profile/ resume is remotely related to any financial experience which was red flag numero uno for me. Why is this man contacting me? I responded with basic links from my Google search showing the amount of times people have apparently received the same message and told I him to, “Please do not try and sell me on his weird ass MLM scam.” and I swiftly block him. Well, here is the unhinged response he managed to send me. I also found his Twitter, LinkedIn along with this strange rant on LinkedIn as…