Category: Antiwork
God that felt good
Hi there, I often see Americans on r/antiwork mention how they'd love to work in Europe. So my question is the following: if your gross income is 80k dollars, and to live in Europe you'd get an equivalent job for 40-45k euros as a gross income, would you go? If your current income is 40k dollars and you'd go down to 20-25k euros a year ( a very common salary, believe it or not), would it be the same story? I'm asking because I'm not sure people realize how much of a mental game this would be: your wages are amongst the highest in the world, if not the highest to some degree, and yes I know that there's A LOT of stuff you guys have to pay compared to us (you're basically on your own if we take our much more socialized societes as a referenced), BUT still, I…
Where do I work?
I floated in and out of damn near everything at this point. Way to much of factories and food. Want a machine operator who can learn a completely unfamiliar 20 mill machine that's been duct taped since the 60's? Has an endless tolerance for petty and bullshit and mundane? Can still joke, laugh, smile, right though a customer waving a gun my face? De escalate the mad MF who's NOT my customer…who is still waving a gun at my face? Someone with customer and employee focused skills and compassion??? Oh fucked up on the last one, they don't like that!! Yeah I'll disregard the company fuckery, and make it as hard on the corporate fuck-a-ducks as in humanely possible. Anyway I'm off subject because I could rant on every post this subreddit has to offer. I'm so fucking tired of the work abuse, the entry level pay and start, that…
Record everything.
After someone at work was falsely accused of saying some racist shit I’m ready to start wearing a voice recorder 100% of the time. I would already record any manager-meeting on the sly. That’s not enough because you’ll never know when someone might accuse you of some bullshit. I live in a one party state. I’m thinking about wearing something like this but wanted to know if anyone had any better recommendations or advice.