Category: Antiwork
The original anti-work?
– HR works for the company, not for you.
HR works for the company, not for you. Police work for the rich, not for you. Apartment repair people work for the owners, not for you. Seems like we need to start declining services that dont work for us, and replacing them with people who do
Perfect example of poor business ethics
The switcheroo has consequences
So, I’m being bullied at work
And it's to the point where I have enough evidence, it involves multiple peers including management, and I've tried to utilize HR and my Union resources. Obviously, everyone will say quit. However, I feel like more needs to be done to justify the wrong than quitting and leaving. What should I do if I can prove I'm being bullied/harassed? BTW: This is a big corporation. I'm nervous about what they'll do to me.
Golden fishhook, and the middle finger
My signing bonus runs out in August. I told my direct supervisor, her boss and her boss's boss after they sent me an email full of attaboys about how indispensable I am that my evaluations and compensation don't reflect that. I was given the ” HR doesn't allow individualized raises” lie. I forwarded an email from HR where THEY told me that raises are set by department, and HR only approves and codes them. Come August, I will be taking all of my amassed GPT at once. On the last day after I get paid, I will inform them that in order to continue, I need a raise, clear duties in line with my scope of license, and a certain set of hours. Any extra days or asked to come in short notice will be considered consulting, paid at 5x in four hours blocks. ( I also attached the things…
Doctor Note for Stomach Bug!
My best friend is sick with a stomach bug and needed to call out of work… Dominoes demands she get a doctors note. For a minimum wage delivery job. This absolutely infuriates me— I’m a lawyer, and this is absolutely never a requirement in the corporate professional world, unless you’re requesting some kind of short term disability. This is literally only just a tool to exert control over minimum wage workers, but also she doesn’t have a choice because otherwise it’s a write-up. What the fuck. “Oh but too many people were calling out.” Sounds like a personal problem…