Category: Antiwork

Disturbing behaviour from Supervisor
I’m from India unfortunately where there are no laws in place to protect employees from exploitation. At my current workplace where I have joined a few weeks ago, I’m seeing a lot of disturbing behaviour from a supervisor towards a fellow colleague. He is constantly asked to stay at work late, almost on a daily basis, he is screamed at for things that are not his fault, things that are not even in his purview. He is being treated as if they literally own him and it’s disgusting. I feel like that supervisor has a kink of wanting to play Dom all the time with my colleague. I’m going to help my colleague find something else so that he can get out of this stupid hellhole. Also, if you have a supervisor who is like this, get the fuck out of there.
So my employer (big firm type) has a referral scheme that they heavily promote, signs everywhere, everyones lockscreen, regular emails. I gave a few referrals a few months back but its still within the 6 month probation so I haven't gotten payout yet. But another friend is leaving the company after referring someone, they stayed the full 6 months, met all conditions, both were still employed but HR said 'sorry the transfer will take a few months' months pass and nope, she hands in her notice and they admit she will never get the payout. So at first im all richeously mad, like if they say 'if you do this I will pay you x' and you have it in writing, surely they will have to do it? But yeah, looking at legality all bonuses, including referral, are 'discretionary' so much like a holiday bonus, if they don't feel like…
I know there’s always an article coming out saying remote working is bad and needs to end and people need to be back in offices working. However, I wasn’t sure if there’d been any articles comparing number of sick days people were taking previously vs as remote workers/hybrid working/not having to be in the office full time. I know I’ve been more inclined to work from home with the flu getting some work done. If I was in the office full time I would’ve called in sick and not worked from home.
work hard for what?

Golden rule of employment, you say?

It’s that time of year when landscaping companies start hiring in droves, and offering ridiculously low wages. Indeed is currently filled with 13-15$ an hour landscaping positions and it is disgusting considering how much money is made off their labor. No benefits, nothing. These are jobs where you are constantly in the elements performing back breaking work, dealing with difficult customers over the pettiest of issues. “Why’d you trim my bushes into squares! I wanted them circular and you should have somehow known this without being told” or “I don’t like the way way the riding mower stripes, can you push mow my .75 acre lot from now on?” Etc, etc For context: I’m self employed in the industry and know the profit margins. For example, most of my residential contracts are around 500$ a month and require an hour or so of labor per week (sometimes more, sometimes less).…
That’s why I get up at 5:00

I have this manager who supervise a few departments and run multiple projects concurrently for a hospital. Guy thinks he is the deal and i suppose he was given how we relied on him. Came one day when a new CEO was announced and the management was shaked up. Multiple positions were replaced ensued except for my manager. There are a lot of talk going around about this new development. I asked my manager about his chances of remaining and he quickly brushed me off. He told me he is the key cog to the entire organizational chain for 26 years and all operations will halted without him. I told so was another fellow colleague who also thought he was the biggie. My manager got furious and argued very heatedly about how different he was and how he was the hottest cake in town. I told him to read this…