Hoping anyone from Aus (specifically NSW) could help me out here. Work is sending us on a 4 day conference, we have to travel and stay interstate (all paid by the business) but they will only be paying us for our usual business hours that would normally be worked on the days there, as if we were still at the office. Is this correct?
Category: Antiwork
Me when my coworker complains
the language itself makes alarm bells go off in my head but i can’t decipher if i’m being crazy or not
PetSmart facing class action lawsuit.
Working for Big Brother
Last Friday, I assumed I was going to be fired. I was fine with that, I hate the job anyway and had a solid unemployment case. I made this assumption because after my bosses had been traveling one of them came down with a mystery illness and I asked to go work from home. Reason being, I live with my 80 year old grandma and don’t need to spread any mystery travel illnesses to her. After some badgering that request was granted. As I was leaving that day I got a spiel about how I seem unhappy at work and not “with them” anymore. Truth of the matter is I have depression and am really struggling, but since that’s none of their business and I know they won’t be helpful (I know this because when I took days off while I had the flu their sick day policy suddenly changed…