
“Motivational” quote of the day at work. Thoughts?


How do I get the most out of a raise?

I recently discovered a less experienced/less qualified coworker of mine is making slightly more than me when he should be making less. (If you’re curious about this story it’s in my recent post history). Ive been here for 6 months and I’ve started creating a list of reasons why I deserve a raise (excluding any information about my coworker). Does anyone have advice on how to get the most out of asking for a raise? Could anyone provide me with information about inflation since July if it could help my argument? How much is too much to ask for? Any and all advice is appreciated! TIA


The kids today would never believe how hard we used to have it.


Stop getting mad about phishing tests

I have seen multiple people mad that a company would send out fake gift card emails or extra vacation emails in phishing tests. Those tests are supposed to catch your attention and click on them. You getting mad they are fake because you believed it even for just a moment is just evidence that it was a good test. There are so many things that are genuine issues to focus on lets not get mad at proper security practices just because you're mad you fell for a trick intended to help you and the company be safer.


The current situation in France is not that they need people working till a higher age

They’re not struggling to fill slots due to lack of experience. The economy isn’t crumbling. They want to raise the retirement age so more people will die before they can start benefitting from the pension carrot they dangle in front of you your whole working life. Nothing more. Nothing less. They tell you to pay into it with the claim you’ll get to live the life of leisure in your golden years. They spend your money for their own benefit and hope you die before you can claim it so they don’t have to pay out your contributions.


Old person started talking to me saying how “he felt bad for our generation, and how bad the housing market is”

It certainly was a pleasant surprise. I ended up talking to him for just a minute or two, but he was saying how he feels bad for this generation, and that my wage (12$ an hour) definitely wouldn’t help anything.


Why must companies know my sexual preference to apply for a job?

I'm being laid off, so I've been applying to a lot of jobs lately, and one thing that's really getting on my nerves is job applications asking me sexual preference. Seriously. It's like every. single. one. I get it, they want to be equal rights and non-discriminatory and all, but wouldn't a better way of showing that you don't descriminate be just not asking in the first place??? If you wanna fill out all your HR paperwork with my personal kinks after I get a job go for it. But do you really need to know any of this for me to just apply?


Join my rage

My friend and her husband work in separate departments year round for an amusement park. They've both been there for over 15 years and are expecting their first and only baby. (They can only conceive through IVF). She just found out today that they have to share her 12 weeks of maternity leave. So basically, if her husband wants any paternal leave, it cuts into her time. If they weren't married, they wouldn't have to share leave. I hate corporations.




I am at a loss for words. This is pathetic….