
Happy employee appreciation day, no more discount on your groceries! Let us know how much you love working here!


For those of you who transitioned from self-employed to a regular job or vice versa, how did they compare for you? What do you prefer?


Anyone else have crappy colleagues that try to make you miserable at work?

you know, colleagues that try to one up you, suck up to the boss, don't communicate when you need them to etc. What's the best way to respond to these idiots?


Literally every Restaurant job I’ve had has been like this


Instead of paying us fairly, the city of New York and FDNY will charge people more and blame us.


Made Pro Union Statement During Phone Screening. Oops.

I had a phone screening for a job today. HR lady and I had a good and personable talk. She asks me at a point if I’ve worked in a union environment before. I said, “no, but god would I love to!”. She asks me why and I tell her it’s because I’m very pro union and support the workers. It wasn’t until an hour later I realized that might not have been the “correct” answer. But, at least I didn’t lie about how I felt.


At Port of Tacoma, unions step in to help foreign seafarers get paid


FedEx pilots inches close of Union as voting is unanimous for Pro-Union


Employers changing pay rate between job listings and job offer? Has anyone else noticed this?

So a job posting on indeed was showing pay rate was 18.00$ – 20.00$ hourly. I applied, had a phone interview and we did not discuss pay, I figured it was 18 – 20 which I found fair for the job. I haven’t interviewed for a job in over 5 years and the labor market and whatnot has changed so much. Anyways, I got the job offer and it says 16.00$! I looked back at the listing and it says 15-18$, after they had 50 applications. I know I’m not tripping, they definitely changed the pay rate. Is this a thing? Is this a tactic to get applicants, like a bait and switch thing? Has anyone else seen this? Also what do y’all think about me asking the guy who hired me?! Like would that be getting fired before I even start?!!


This exchange I had with a higher up at my job. I was off the clock and she was not (I’m the one responding). Was I too petty or was this well within my reach to exercise my boundaries??