
Dangerous conditions but come to work anyway? Found this picture circulating on a local fb group and as a Buffalonian I’m shocked. We were hit with an ice storm on February 23rd.


Truly Just Trying to Understand This Sub

Mainly just goes for Americans. But here in the US there are no slaves. You agree to work in X industry, at X company, doing X work, for X amount of hours each week, at X price. I understand shitposting about a garbage company, and there are more than enough of those companies here. But you’re not a slave to that company, if you hate it so much, why don’t you leave. If your boss is a dick, find a new job. If you’re not getting paid what you agreed to, find a new job, if you’re not satisfied with what you do for a living, find a career field. At least that’s my prospective, so what am I missing here?


Can my employer take hours off my paycheck for phone use?

Title says it all, is it legal for an employer to deduct hours from a timesheet for phone usage?


forgot to clock in, job keeping check for 2 weeks

I forgot to clock in or out for 2 weeks. Federal law says it is the employers responsibility to keep track of hours even if I forget. I was never told, warned, or given a warning of any sort. This is the check that I pay my rent with. PA state law says she has up to 30 days to pay after pay date so Im basically stuck until I get paid again in 2 weeks. Yay Merica!


What’s wrong with EEOC?

I think they need more minority representation and need to hear out more women’s problems. One of my childhood friends tried to commit uicide*^ because of sexual harassment at work that turned into retaliation. Her parents called me this morning and I tried to go to the hospital ASAP. The real police had to get involved because apparently, EEOC had their hands tied. Apparently state legislature weighs more than EEOC rules. Because secretly recording someone who physically touched you is illegal, if the person that is touching you is not aware that you are recording them. At will employment and pro-righty states are confusing as fuck. Anyway, my friend will be okay. I can’t spill anymore details. The guy in question is under investigation so there is hope for justice.


I put in my two weeks

Not sure if this is the right place to post. I put in my two weeks at my current job not too long ago. My boss has told everyone I’m leaving which I am fine with. However, my boss has also told everyone WHY I’m leaving and I’m leaving due to personal events that have been going on in my life. I did not want everyone at work to know about why I am leaving, otherwise I would’ve told them myself. Does my boss have the right to do this? It’s just annoying to me and honestly makes me want to not even continue working there for the two weeks I have left.


Manager wants to get let me go due to car troubles.

I'm in need of guidance. My manager told me to get another job cause me car broke down. It's been two days and have been looking into the issue.. It's a 30min commute if I take highway and usually 80% of the time it's not congested. But lyft/uber too expensive for me to go to work that way. I've been with the company for 3 years going on 4. It's a organic food/supplement store USA. No complaints, no write ups and a highly praised worker by costumers and staff. There are closer locations but, choose to drive that way due to super all star mangers. Like I call in and say “can't come in” and they would say “okay, let us know if more time is needed”. No, why or demanding reasons. Just simply I'm out. We all joke around meetings, on the floor and still got work done. Now,…


My company is trying to get us to accept a shitty deal in exchange for not striking in six months. Some new people want to take the deal because of “bird in hand”. How do we show them that they are giving in to immediate gratification for a shitty deal


Shorty’s pizza Columbus job listing


I fired my boss today

So there was a leader of another department who was notoriously uncooperative, lying publicly humiliating, threatening… my boss enabled him. I had to work with this guy, but he hated me for being honest with data, because it made him look bad. So he would refuse to cooperate and would make a scene. One time this guy yelled at me for 15min straight in a meeting. After allowing me 3min to explain my position, he agreed with what I was saying afterall. I brought it up with my boss and she blamed me for the rant. Tip of the iceberg. Today I resigned. I informed her the reason I was leaving was a) unprofessional behavior, and b) her enablement of this unprofessional behavior. There was defensiveness. Meanwhile, colleagues from across departments acknowledged the situation and the issue with the current status quo. I've helped to prepare the company for a…