Category: Antiwork
Ok finance buzz. Sure.
My current job that I've worked at since last April has changed vacation rules without any kind of notification. Everyone works 5 days in a row and has 2 off, and we start out with 10 days total of vacation time. Last year I used 1-3 days scattered across the whole year. This year we give our days we want to plan for the year and they say that you must use your vacation day in full weeks. Meaning you're off 2 days, take off your 5 day work week, and have your 2 days off again. Meaning I can only take off twice a year, for a total of being off 9 days straight We are 1st shift and 2nd/3rd dont have this rule/policy and nothing is shown in our employee handbook. Other workers said that its been like that forever before COVID happened and that last year was…
Some back story, I worked at an art distribution warehouse and recently my coworkers and I had been talking about unionizing. I started writing “Unionize” on dust, as it’s an old warehouse, so dust is on every shelf and conveyer belt. After a while they started wiping it off so I started writing it on little piece of paper and leaving them on shelves or wherever. I understand this is passive aggressive behavior but I never thought it was harmful. Until I get called in to the office the other day and they told me I am being terminated for defacing company property. They were vague when I asked what they meant, because I couldn’t believe writing in dust was vandalism. I thought maybe a coworker had actually graffitied the bathroom or something. So I admitted “the most I ever did was write in dust…” my boss just shrugged and…
I don’t know where to go from here
I'm 18 years old, living in the Midwest, with years of experience in Camera operation and video editing, and in the second half of my Junior of college pursuing a degree in Digital Media. Hell, I'm due to graduate college with little to no debt if I play my cards right. Despite all that, I might have to go back into the service industry or retail just to have an income when I move out this summer. In the span of less than a year I've had 5 different employment opportunities fall through, and 4 other applications get ignored. Local pizza place that wouldn't give me more than 4 hours a week Local fancy restaraunt with a whole saga in my prior posts, supervisor lied to me numerous times and employers tried to gaslight me(later came back begging for help then tried to gaslight me again to make me feel…
Just the title. I’m only 17 so I don’t really know how everything with wages or raises work but before minimum wage was upped from, I was given a 50 cent raise (instead of making 12.50, I made 13.00). However, now that minimum wage was upped, it seems my manager has taken my raise away without telling me. Instead of making minimum with the extra 50 cents (13.75), I only make minimum. I’ve mentioned this to my shift manager who also had a 50 cent raise and it seems this has happened to her too (which honestly, I feel is crazier – if there’s anyone that deserves to be making above minimum, it’s her). I also mentioned this to my friend (who’s suing the same company, though a different store) and she said it was straight out illegal and that I should sue . Though I’m not really thinking of…
had to let em know as nicely as possible
How would you make $1000 in a week?
My car is in the shop for the foreseeable future and I’m super curious to see answers to this question in case someone has an idea? The least amount of work required is the best answer. Thx.