Category: Antiwork
These people are unredeemable.
I am a security guard at a post that is out of the way and none bothers me, I rarely see a supervisor only every other week, and even when I do my patrols they only take me 10 minutes to do and I have a couple of hours in between rounds where I am in my shack and I can chill on my phone or use my gaming handhelds to pass the time. I don't want to transition into a “normal” job where I have limited amount of downtime as work to me is only a means of collecting a paycheck. I hear becoming a night time hotel clerk or being a janitor has lots of downtime depending on what location you are at. What are some other jobs that either don't care or allow you to bring your own entertainment devices to pass the slow hours on the…
I finally resigned!
I’m an autistic man who’s been working 7 days a week for the past 11 months at a paper mill, had my last 2 days off on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Overworked like a MF. Burnout like hell. I finally got an offer at a company I was really hoping to get a job at, working as a traveling network tech. I’ve been looking for a way to get into the IT field for a while now, and this is it. This new job seems like it will be really good. I get paid to travel all over the surrounding states fixing wifi networks, and I love driving and traveling. Things are getting better. I’m happy to finally be leaving this job which treats its employees like slaves.
hippy get a job
How do we fix this?
So, I'm reading a ton of these posts and like most people on here I've been screwed up the ass by multiple employers who didnt give a shit about me and just wanted to step on me to get higher up themselves. So, my question is, there has to be some people out there who got out of this. Who have started their own business, or figured out how to find a job that doesn't want to just screw you over or just something. So HOW! How do you get out of this shit and just find something worth doing to live off of rather than making money slamming your head into a brick wall. (And I appreciate the sentiment of a comedic answer, but this is an actual serious question from someone who is just desperate and not sure what to do) I want to work, but everywhere around…
Between low wages, layoffs, lack of housing, high rent, etc. what's the deal? How did things get this out of control and how is it still an issue? I get the general concept of why, but it's just frustrating how much power these higher ups have. They we get looked down upon simply because we want to work less or not at all and still have a roof over our heads. How did we as a society just sit back and say “this is fine”.