Category: Antiwork
Long story short the market is bad, we all know that. What can we do to stand out and get a wfh job, any advice is welcome. Applied to 100+ so many denials.
Due to extreme workload at work – (project manager with over 40+ projects) I called the Help Line to set up 'coaching' for stress. I completed the coaching and it was pretty much BS but the counselor was great and it did help me. My wife and I are now signed up for couples coaching – kind of just for fun but also to work out some issues – nothing serious. Doing the 'intake assessment' for couples coaching, the site asks a series of questions. I thought this sub would appreciate the absolute ass-backwards approach these corporate 'mental health' companies take. The questions go like this: “How much has your mental or physical health prevented you from performing your job?” answer choices are 'A Lot', 'Somewhat', 'Not At All' – along those lines – you get the idea. I am just flabbergasted by this: Dude, it's my JOB that is…
The real reason for taking vacation
I enjoy this sub, I like reading all the different stories that come about. But honestly, it can get depressing after awhile. Especially if all we're doing is complaining about how crappy the world is. I made a post in the middle of the night, below, to try and offer something. On the off chance that I posted at a weird time, or maybe the original title wasn't attention getting, I'm making this one. What do you people think? Does the Antiwork crowd just wanna read complaints? Are we all too crushed and empty to have any hope left?