I work at a small local cafe/restaurant as a barista. At first I thought the job was okay, it was off the books so I was getting paid just enough that I could work and go to school without stressing but now it has become unbearable. Payday is on Friday and this is the third weekend in a row that I am getting paid a day late because my boss would rather sit at the bar and chit chat than do payroll. My coworkers have made the job a popularity contest and as an introvert it’s very overwhelming to know that because im quiet I am not respected. The restaurant is infested with rats, my boss has articles written about him claiming that he’s this oh-so amazing guy when he doesn’t give a single fuck about his employees. Unfortunately this job gives me the money I need as a full…
Category: Antiwork
Appreciated indeed. well 4 of us anyway
Drug Test where THC legal
Basically I have to take a 13 panel test I know I will fail the thc panel because I smoke it regularly enough. It is legal here in New York and I signed an offer letter could I still loose my job offer? I do have my medical card as I have Hopkins lymphoma.
Workplace bullying
This is the first time I have ever encountered being bullied at work. It's a new job that I started a month ago and already I am having severe anxiety about going back everyday. My co worker is just awful to me and I think it's because I'm quiet and not really looking for friends. I'm not some one that likes confrontation and I try to avoid it at all costs if I can help it so I never say anything back to defend myself. She makes comments about me to other coworkers and whispers around me. She's stolen my sticky notes. She makes me feel intimidated and uncomfortable. I just needed to vent because my boss just watches it happen and I feel like I have no option but to quit.
I work a full time hourly job in a permanent position but sometimes on my days off I do gigwork through agencies. There’s good workers but there’s lazy people who slack as well. I notice on my first day at a lot of gigs I deal with straight up disrespectful people through the company. Tonight it was the shift lead. She warmed up because she saw my work ethic. They always do warm up then they see my work ethic … but yeah why he rude and disrespectful before getting to know me? I’m also not sure if it helps with the work that people perform either. It’s not an all of the time thing but when it does occur it’s always another female, who is typically older. I’m 25 but look MUCH younger. Anyone have similar experiences or insight?
Last week, I got the notice that the private school that employs me will not be renewing my contract. I'll be finishing up my second year there. There won't be enough rising 6th graders, despite marketing's best efforts. So they're cutting an entire cluster for the middle school. That's one teacher in each core subject gone. So how did they decide who gets laid off? Easy! Number of years with the company. The other English teachers in the grade have been there 5 and 6 years respectively. So you see, class? Loyalty can pay off, as long as loyalty means just showing up for long enough rather than doing any quality of work.
I took an hour out of my 9 to 5 work from home job to go to the gym. I usually go after work but the gym is super crowded at that time. I decided to wake up a bit early and workout before work. By the time I got back, I was an hour late for work. But it’s Friday and my manager was out of town so no one was really looking for me. I used to feel guilty for spending long periods away from my desk during work hours. But overall, I’m a hard worker and end up getting my job done one way or another. I may start making this a regular Friday morning thing. I don’t necessarily encourage others to do what I did. But if you feel like you are working hard at your WFH job, it’s ok to take time for yourself during…