Category: Antiwork
23 Remote Work Statistics
Back-dating a promotion on resume?
For context, I like my job/company. I've been performing a different/higher role than my current title for over a year now. This promotion was discussed (and agreed to) a long time ago — but several things happened that delayed it being “official” (backfilling, then massive layoffs, budget restrictions, etc). Anyway, it's finally going through but I feel like I have missed out on ~12 months of tenure with this new job title, despite having been (successfully) performing that role the whole time. What are your thoughts – would doing this be misleading/bad taste, or is it reasonable/justified?
Employee appreciation week
It’s Employee Appreciation Week at my job and the way the company decided to “show their immense appreciation for all the hard work we do” was to draw 15 random employees’ names from a hat and give them $20 to the company webstore. Why bother? I’d rather have a pizza party or nothing at all lmfao
Evidnece for hybrid/remote?
Boss wants three days a week in the office. I need to show the benefits or remote or hybrid, and the disadvantages of office work. Need high-quality references (e.g. Peer review, trusted sources), not Medium/Linkedin. Please help.
contemplating quitting
I just got my paycheck from a 47 hour workweek and I make 10/hr so I should have a decent paycheck one would think but I only got 64 dollars and 83 cents for my work, my boss is refusing to give me my paystub until next week and says I only worked 6 hours. the only thing she's telling me is that I have to wait but rent is due today. any advice?
The Nonprofit Meat Grinder
I went to college and got a professional degree from a top 10 university. At the end of grad school most of my classmates went to work for think tanks, consulting firms, or get a PhD. I decided the first two of those didn't align with my values as a socialist and I was burnt out on the academy. So I decided to work in Development for medium-sized nonprofit serving refugees. In some ways I did find what I was looking for, my work for and with some of the least among us does give me a sense of purpose. I work hard not to enrich a some owner I don't know but to help the people in the community I see every day. And yet, the greatest lesson I have learned is that work, as it currently exists in America, cannot be saved by purpose alone. In the year…