
Older people blaming Gen Z for everything

I'm a millennial myself and we had our fair share of the older generation shitting on everything we do. Is it me or gen Z now in the same spotlight as millennials were 10 years ago? You guys/gals are now getting blamed for inflation, changing work environment, standing up for what you believe in, and being different and not accepting the same bullshit as previous generations. It seems like every other news article is shitting on gen Z or blaming them in some way. What do you think? I'm glad gen Z are changing the world because the world is fucked up and has been for so long.


Over half of Americans making over 100k

What about rest of us who is making less than 100k


Former employer ghosted me

They offered hourly consulting rate to help tie up a few loose ends. I sent a log of my hours and followed up 3 times – they ghosted me. What would you do?


One more reason to go study for a new job. Cut my arm with a knife at work.


Barber sacked woman ‘after four years of phoning in sick on Mondays’


Is this allowed ?

The way i see it, I show up for my scheduled shift and I leave at the time I’m scheduled to leave. If I’m showing up 15 minutes early shouldn’t I be paid for that 15 minutes or are they allowed to do this?


Am I missing a paycheck?

I quit a job about 10 days ago and I've been waiting on my last two checks. I went up there on Feb. 9 to get the actual check on the day I was supposed to get paid and I was told no it'll be next week. Next week (today) rolls around and I'm told the same thing. “It'll be next week because it's a two week pay cycle.” The last check I got was for pay period 1/8/23 to 1/21/24 and I was paid on 1/26. For the pay period of 1/22/23 to 2/4/23, the pay day was 2/9. I checked my bank statements and lo and behold, no deposit from my place of employment. I texted the guy I worked for and said I think I'm missing a check from this pay period I should've been paid this day etc. “Call our accountant” This is the first time…


Paid In Advance

I work in a diner and this last year I worked as a server and as a cashier. Cashier is a different pay rate, but recently the last few months I’m being paid a week before I work. So if I work over this week he says I’ve already been paid for this week. Yet I’m so confused with my check and hours now, he makes no sense when I ask why I’m being paid before I work my hours. How’s this benefit him, it’s not only me it’s other positions as well. Is it to keep us confused?


Is “Tip Withholding” wage theft?

My sister works as a server at a restaurant owned by a family that also owns four other restaurants and a sixth currently under construction. Several weeks ago, restaurant management told employees that the IRS audited them because one of their employees went to buy a car and told the dealership that while his paystubs said he made $X per week, he actually made $Y more per week because of tips. I don't at all believe that would've triggered an audit. I think it more likely would've happened because of, say, a construction loan for the new restaurant. “Because of the audit”, what they are now doing is withholding 20% of all servers' tips from their checks. Payroll is done by, you guessed it, someone in the family. I've told my sister the tip withholding seems illegal, and every employee needs to file a claim with the Department of Labor…


5 day suspension … the rest of us screw up this badly and we’re kicking rocks.