Hello all, I find myself at some crossroads, and I am applying for a job in a company that is supposed to handle confidential information from its clients. The “industrial secret” kind of information. Lo and behold, i was given, during the selection process, access to some of this data by HR to “test my skills”. However, i do not have any kind of contract with the company. In some of the documents, it is disclosed who are the owners of the data. Therefore, I know who i would have to contact if Id like to report this ridiculous situation. When i communicated to HR the fact that i was handed confidential data, they just brushed it off as unimportant (as in “your task should not be affected by where te data has.come from”). But I can clearly see a problem. Nevermind asking me to do work for free during…
Category: Antiwork
I went salary last year and haven’t needed to clock in at all but now I’m being asked to starting Monday for “statistics” What can possibly come from this? All other salaried employees are being asked to do this too so I’m not being singled out but we’re all up in arms because our business runs smoothly and we think he is just trying to alienate us and create problems. I have been assured by him and my other boss that this will not affect my salary
Leaving work on time due to appointments
Disciplinary Write-Up part III
Here's the link to part II, which has a link to part I: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/10vr0ku/update_to_disciplinary_writeup/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button So the CED (Chief Executive Douchebag) decided the HR meeting we were all supposed to have wasn't worth his time and refused to attend. As I suspected, his email to me has “mysteriously disappeared” from the servers, as has any record of my write-up, all to make me look like a psychopath. Good thing I brought hard copies of both of those items with me. Turns out I'm by far not the only one to have problems with this entitled asshole…including the HR director whom I met with today. Living in a single party consent state, I recorded the entire meetings audio on my phone, and let her know beforehand even though I wasn't required to. I explained the situation, how I felt targeted and that my livelihood was being threatened, so I lashed out. Was…
I got asked to tip at a self checkout
I work for a large company and my office has what is essentially a little convenience store inside it. Ever since I have worked here it has been a self checkout and I use it about once a week. Well today I was buying tea and for the first time while checking out I was asked to enter a tip amount. I am so I mad at my company for expressing this level of greed. What exactly is the tip for? It isn’t like it is going to show up in my next paycheck.
not even small towns are safe any more
so fleeing the city you used to be able to live much MUCH cheaper the downside is.. a lot less things to do, places to go, etc well.. not any more. i live in a small town. there is nothing here. yet prices here are just as fucking jacked as any where else. all thats here are bars and walmart and dollar generals etc yet our rents and taxes keep sky rocketing. why the fuck are we paying a premium when we live in an area thats basically devoid of anything fun or entertaining. people here have to go to chicago which is hours away if they want to do anything. like see a baseball game or something the cost of living outside of a city should be significantly cheaper.. and that gap is slowly dwindling. whats funny is jobs use the small town excuse to pay less, but prices…