
The American Workforce In Scale Form


This week’s schedule Vs. next week’s schedule. Manager cut my hours in half because I ended up going into overtime this week.


Fear of looming recession

I’m so sick of hearing this phrase. We wouldn’t be in a position where people would have to spend less money if greedy corporations hadn’t jacked up their prices in the first place. And yet prices on everything aren’t coming down despite the same companies enacting steps to save money, hiring freezes included. There’s no balance to this system whatsoever.


What is wrong with LinkedIn people. Why is anyone posting their life moments on LinkedIn. I want job from LinkedIn, not want this shit on my feed. Maybe I became cynical to see the good side of this, or maybe it’s not a big deal to anyone, but what the fuck is this trend to overhype things on Linkd


I have a decent job but absolutely hate it

I work for a company making decent money but I feel stuck. I absolutely hate it here, it isn't the worst job I had I just hate the type of work. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I don't get off at a decent time, I never get to see my child and it's just not what I want. My S.O is hell bent on me staying with this company but I'm miserable everyday I have to go to work. I feel like I have no life and I feel as I'm just alone. I work late, wake up not seeing my child because they are in daycare and by the time I get off they are asleep. I can occasionally see them when I get a decent lunch time but that's not often. In March my manager said they will ask me about changing my hours but it's…


Contractor Magazines advice about reataining empolyees with greater compensation: don’t actually increase compensation and teach your dumb employees financial literacy.


How to lose J3


Former employer trying to hire someone 3x more senior at my old salary

A month ago I rage quit my job of 8 years. I was a top performer with great reviews but I pushed back on inconsequential shit management threw at me. my boss thought I had an attitude problem and wasn’t performing above my level. I explicitly said to my boss as I was quitting you will not find someone who will perform my level of work for this pay and boss responded simply “I disagree” As I leave my coworkers tell me they’re not sure how we can replace me. One senior coworker makes a comment in front of my boss about how I am performing above my pay grade. Now a month later, I see a job posting for a role on my old team with a title 3x higher than I had (I.e junior vs. principal) and my old salary listed. Companies are shameless.


Company threatened to fine low-wage workers $100,000 if they left for a competitor, feds say


Malicious Compliance Rocks

Background: I was in a minor car accident recently. I informed my bosses right away and let them know that I’d need to work from home until my car got fixed. One of them got VERY upset about this and kept hounding me about it until I finally agreed to make the hour-long commute into the office by train so long as my hours could be adjusted to account for it and I could arrive around 9:30 and leave at 4:30 to make up the time. He agreed to this. Now, the situation: Last night, we had a really bad rainstorm with high winds. Lots of damage all across the area. I got to the train station at my normal time to catch the bullet to work. A worker informed me that a tree had fallen on the tracks last night, and that I’d have to wait 40 minutes for…