
CCTV installation

My boss will install a CCTV to our work area including the small area for night shift. Am I being too sensitive if I am feeing uncomfortable with it? I sometimes pick my nose or burp/sing/talk to myself when no one is around on night shift. I will need to go to the bathroom for that from now on. Am I the only one who does stuff like this occasionally at work It is not up for discussion. He just announced he will and brought in a few boxes of CCTV.

My boss will install a CCTV to our work area including the small area for night shift. Am I being too sensitive if I am feeing uncomfortable with it? I sometimes pick my nose or burp/sing/talk to myself when no one is around on night shift. I will need to go to the bathroom for that from now on. Am I the only one who does stuff like this occasionally at work
It is not up for discussion. He just announced he will and brought in a few boxes of CCTV.

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