
CEO Talked About How Much $$ the Company has Saved

First time post here, looking for some genuine feedback on this email before I potentially send it to the CEO. This is a longer one, TLDR at the bottom. First for background info, yesterday we had our monthly office meeting (over zoom because we all WFH) where they usually give us updates, celebrate peoples birthdays, work anniversaries, etc. In the middle of the meeting the CEO gets on and wants to talk about this new ~$25mil state of the art facility they just bought. He wanted to address how the company paid for it, not sure why but thats what he wanted to talk about. He then proceeds to talk about “living debt-free” and that is how he operates personally and he wants the business to operate the same way. Which I totally agree with, if you can afford to live that way. So because this company does well and…

First time post here, looking for some genuine feedback on this email before I potentially send it to the CEO. This is a longer one, TLDR at the bottom.

First for background info, yesterday we had our monthly office meeting (over zoom because we all WFH) where they usually give us updates, celebrate peoples birthdays, work anniversaries, etc. In the middle of the meeting the CEO gets on and wants to talk about this new ~$25mil state of the art facility they just bought. He wanted to address how the company paid for it, not sure why but thats what he wanted to talk about. He then proceeds to talk about “living debt-free” and that is how he operates personally and he wants the business to operate the same way. Which I totally agree with, if you can afford to live that way. So because this company does well and they have been saving for almost 20 years they are now able to pay for it in cash. So thinking logically, the company wouldn't spend all they have on this one purchase, then they probably had at least $40mil in the bank prior to this.

So now I want to send my CEO an email addressing his debt-free philosophy. This is my rough draft below and I am looking for feedback before I send it. Im still not sure if I am going to, as I bring in the only income in our family.

Email Subject: Living Debt Free – are you enabling your lowest paid employee to live that way?

Email Body:

I really appreciated what you said about living debt free in our meeting yesterday, and that is my goal as well. I respect that as CEO you want that for your company, and I hope you would want to empower your employees to do the same.

I am lucky enough that my parents are letting my wife, my child, and me live with them. Also based on my salary, because I am not high enough above the poverty line, I qualify for government assistance for my wife and child to receive free health insurance.

Below is an example budget for the month, at our current salary, if someone with a family was renting a modest apartment, and didn't qualify for government aid. Next to that is the budget if wages were $30/hr, which we calculated to be the average for a person to work toward being debt-free.

By only raising our pay $10 more per hour, we would be able to save $500 for emergencies, have $100 for personal money, and still have $183 to put toward paying off loans faster.

TLDR: Boss talked about living debt-free, so I want to send him and email showing him how that is impossible with how much we make.

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