
Choice between overdrawing my bank account or getting fired

My car is in the shop and what was supposed to be a $300 brake repair job has turned into $1000 because the brake pads literally flew off my car while driving. (I wouldn't have believed it if the guy hadn't showed me. He said he'd never seen that shit before.) I would have enough money in my account to cover it, just barely. But I just recently had a “talk” at work about being out too many days. (I've only ever called out when it's been car related–we only have 1 car–or been sick, but somehow that's too much.) And if I miss any more days due to “non-emergency reasons” (their words, how is car trouble and sickness not emergencies???), I will be fired. So I'm renting through turo because I don't have time to go to enterprise in the morning before I work and I'd be late. And…

My car is in the shop and what was supposed to be a $300 brake repair job has turned into $1000 because the brake pads literally flew off my car while driving. (I wouldn't have believed it if the guy hadn't showed me. He said he'd never seen that shit before.)

I would have enough money in my account to cover it, just barely. But I just recently had a “talk” at work about being out too many days. (I've only ever called out when it's been car related–we only have 1 car–or been sick, but somehow that's too much.) And if I miss any more days due to “non-emergency reasons” (their words, how is car trouble and sickness not emergencies???), I will be fired.

So I'm renting through turo because I don't have time to go to enterprise in the morning before I work and I'd be late. And just for 1 day turo is charging me almost $90. The car “rental” itself is only like $30, they just add on a fuckton of fees.

So my account is going to be overdrawn tomorrow when rent comes out and oh well. This is just the life I live I guess.

Seems like my job won't be happy until they've forced me to go into debt and lose my apartment, but they're totally right, I definitely need to be there to cover the desk in case the three other people who do the exact same job as me also come down with fucking whooping cough or some shit and all call out as well.

Fuck my life.

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