
City delays care for employee past work comp window

City employee here. I was injured on the job in October and reported it immediately. Work comp was initiated and I was sent to their occupational MDs for X-rays and an MRI. The report on the MRI was “grossly unremarkable” and they put me on light duty and physical therapy. Fast forward through two months of physical therapy and a follow up with their Dr. “Let's send you to a specialist for a cortisone shot” I go to the specialist yesterday. “Who on earth read your MRI? “grossly unremarkable?” You don't need an injection you need surgery…. 4-6 weeks of recovery and then 3 months of light duty” The city now tells me that I am past my window of work comp and will have to take unpaid time to recover. Their Dr. misread the MRI and sent me back to work. I really thought working for the gov. would…

City employee here. I was injured on the job in October and reported it immediately. Work comp was initiated and I was sent to their occupational MDs for X-rays and an MRI. The report on the MRI was “grossly unremarkable” and they put me on light duty and physical therapy. Fast forward through two months of physical therapy and a follow up with their Dr. “Let's send you to a specialist for a cortisone shot”

I go to the specialist yesterday. “Who on earth read your MRI? “grossly unremarkable?” You don't need an injection you need surgery…. 4-6 weeks of recovery and then 3 months of light duty”

The city now tells me that I am past my window of work comp and will have to take unpaid time to recover. Their Dr. misread the MRI and sent me back to work. I really thought working for the gov. would help me avoid this kind of thing. Naively thought I would be taken care of.

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