
Clearly Lying About Pay

Throwaway account! Can’t have my current employer know I’m actively looking to go somewhere else.  I recently applied for a position at a company that I thought was great. The position in line had everything that I wanted to do. A great combination of photography and anything automotive.  The listing on LinkedIn had the pay listed at $25.67/hr. Not super high but Well within line of what I expected. It’s about on par with what I currently do and the commute is MUCH less so I would actually be pocketing quite a bit more money. Overall a good move.  About 3 days after applying I get an email asking me to have a phone interview with this company. Awesome! I take the call a few days later and to my surprise… The job is being offered at $18/hr. This is a nearly $16,000 difference in pay! Absurd!  I explain to the hiring manager…

Throwaway account! Can’t have my current employer know I’m actively looking to go somewhere else. 

I recently applied for a position at a company that I thought was great. The position in line had everything that I wanted to do. A great combination of photography and anything automotive. 

The listing on LinkedIn had the pay listed at $25.67/hr. Not super high but Well within line of what I expected. It’s about on par with what I currently do and the commute is MUCH less so I would actually be pocketing quite a bit more money. Overall a good move. 

About 3 days after applying I get an email asking me to have a phone interview with this company. Awesome! I take the call a few days later and to my surprise… The job is being offered at $18/hr. This is a nearly $16,000 difference in pay! Absurd! 

I explain to the hiring manager that I don’t appreciate them wasting my time like this and how can anyone want to work for/with them if they can’t even remain truthful about their pay. She explained that the job posting is wrong and it shouldn’t say $25.67… yea sure okay, Ashley whatever you say. 

This is in California where I’m sure a lot of you know it’s now required by law to post the pay or at least a pay-range in a job posting. It was 100% untruthful. I did not continue with that interview and told her that they need to stop wasting their and everyones time. 

It’s ridiculous that these companies will post a pay much higher than what they’re actually willing to pay just to get some applications. They hope to find that one person that’s willing to do it because they’re desperate. 

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