
Cliquey and Rude Coworkers

I was put in charge of training her. She (let’s call her A). is very young (24) and not the brightest so I had a lot of concerns about her that I expressed to the property manager. I recently got promoted so that I’m basically a mentor for all the social service workers. A couple weeks ago I went out w A to have dinner because she says she wanted to discuss some things. She told me the following- the managers staff (pm, apm, and two other people they are friendly with from admin) would have lunches together and not invite her. Also the PM (A’s boss) had passed on information about A’s mental health/ learning disability to the APM. I had A over w me at a different property yesterday to assist w something. A guy working there in maintenance knew that they were having a cookout for staff…

I was put in charge of training her. She (let’s call her A). is very young (24) and not the brightest so I had a lot of concerns about her that I expressed to the property manager.

I recently got promoted so that I’m basically a mentor for all the social service workers. A couple weeks ago I went out w A to have dinner because she says she wanted to discuss some things. She told me the following- the managers staff (pm, apm, and two other people they are friendly with from admin) would have lunches together and not invite her. Also the PM (A’s boss) had passed on information about A’s mental health/ learning disability to the APM.

I had A over w me at a different property yesterday to assist w something. A guy working there in maintenance knew that they were having a cookout for staff at A’s normal building. A said no one had told her about it. It was very awkward. So I asked her if she wanted me to go there w her and she said yes so we went there.
The APM spoke to us a little bit when we got there and A asked why she didn’t know about it. APM said it came together very quickly. For the rest of the time no one spoke to us other than the maintenance guys who are aware of the dynamic.
A said this is how it always is for her.

When A and I were leaving, I went to say good bye to APM. I asked her if she’d taken Monday off and she said no. I said I had taken the day off to help my sister transport 6 foster puppies but I was happy to have the 4 day weekend. just trying to make conversation. Then a guy from facility management who for some reason has always been an ass to me goes ‘oh congratulations’ to which someone must have shot him a look, because he was like ‘hey a 4 day weekend is awesome’

I really don’t know what is wrong w these people. I feel like as manage/boss, no matter what, the PM should try to include A and it shouldn’t be so obvious that she dislikes her. I find A myself to not be good at her job but the way she is being treated is wrong and not going to make her any better at it.

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