
Clueless Boomers

Working at a local coffee place, overheard some older boomers (a retiree group) talking about how there are SO MANY JOBS posted but that NO ONE WANTS TO WORK, they just don't understand what's going on in the world and HOW ON EARTH ARE PEOPLE MOVING INTO APARTMENTS these days because it's SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS just to move in? I want to reach over and punch them. Hope they enjoy their SENIOR DISCOUNT coffee. Don't let the door hit your geriatric asses on the way out today on the way to your PAID OFF ACURAS AND BMWS to go home to your $1 MIL home that you bought in 1978 for $80,000K.

Working at a local coffee place, overheard some older boomers (a retiree group) talking about how there are SO MANY JOBS posted but that NO ONE WANTS TO WORK, they just don't understand what's going on in the world and HOW ON EARTH ARE PEOPLE MOVING INTO APARTMENTS these days because it's SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS just to move in? I want to reach over and punch them. Hope they enjoy their SENIOR DISCOUNT coffee. Don't let the door hit your geriatric asses on the way out today on the way to your PAID OFF ACURAS AND BMWS to go home to your $1 MIL home that you bought in 1978 for $80,000K.

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